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Sunday 24 June 2007

Tetragrammaton ~ IHVh

The sacred family of the Tetragrammaton can be expressed as follows:

I (yod): Father. Hockmah-2. Monadic plane. Its nature is pure love-wisdom. The cosmic Hierarchy of Light. The Great White Brotherhood. The monadic source of a human-being ~ our connection to the spiritual purpose of a planetary logos. Every human-being contains within his soul (i.e. the Son principle) the 'seed' of the Father (that is, in the path of yod on the Tree diagram). It is by watering, germinating, fertilising and growing this seed that we attain conscious contact with the Father.

H (ha): Mother. Binah-3. Atmic plane. The macrocosmic form principle. The living holistic physical, emotional and mental environment. The sentient/intelligent world, solar system and universe. The Mother symbolises the 'physical' manifestation of the 'mind/body' of the solar logos. We, as individual personalities are vital 'organic' components of Her body. We are born, grow and 'physically' die within Her, but then we are resurrected after the fourth initiation to 'reign with the Father in Heaven'.

V (vav): Son. Hesed-Pachad-Tifareth (4-5-6). Buddhi - Higher mental - Causal. Microcosmic soul consciousness. The Son contains the essence of the Father and shall return to Him through the cultivation of love-wisdom.

h (ha): Daughter. Hod-Netzah-Yesod (8-7-9). Lower mental-Astral-Etheric/physical. Microcosmic 'physical' consciousness (or form principle). The human personality. The Daughter is a microcosmic cell of 'organic matter' in the body of the Mother. (See diagram.)

We can imagine the Mother (the 'matter' of our solar system) as a crystal prism through which the spirit (Father-Mother God) of Helios beams Its 'white' ray of divine purpose ~ that is, from the higher cosmic planes into the 'matter' (i.e. the three lowest sub-planes) of the cosmic physical plane. The original ray, as it passes through the prism, refracts into seven main sub-rays ~ these being seven distinct qualities of the physical consciousness of the solar logos. Each of the seven has a creative purpose that is interdependently coordinated with the others, and unified by the spiritual purpose of the original ray.

In the beginning the crystal prism was very cloudy and dark and there was little refraction of light into the pure spectrum of colour. At that time the colours were mainly dispersed in a chaotic and muddy display. But as the white light continued to pour through the prism, the substance of the crystal gradually began to clear and the first traces of the rainbow appeared.

The 'clearing of the crystal' is symbolic of the purification of the form principle within our solar system. The 'material substance' of the three lower worlds of the cosmic physical plane (i.e. our etheric, astral and mental planes) is purged of dross, its atoms aligned into harmony by the vibratory action of the white light of spirit. This operation is begun by ADNI and is a time of intense 'heat' generation within the form principle because of its great resistance to the spiritual light. The human personality triad is a tiny particle within the crystal prism and experiences this 'purging heat' until the white light begins to be more easily refracted through it.

Originally, the light of our consciousness is of a very muddy hue but with the clearing of the personality triad the heat diminishes and our light begins to be refracted into alignment with the pure sevenfold spectrum of colour. (This latter stage of the process is governed by the formula IHVh.) In other words, our consciousness gradually becomes attuned to the planetary 'consciousness colour' to which our creative essence belongs.

More on the Tetragrammaton