Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 2 July 2007

the Unknown and the known ..


2nd July 2007
New Zealand

'Something secret will always stay a secret if it is meant to be a secret. No matter who knocks on the door; no matter how hard the knock, know the magician will not relent. The imagery is an illusion of an illusion perhaps within an illusion. All the pieces may seem to fit, but know the same pieces can fit to another shape ... another puzzle image completely different to the other. Know the carpenter has had many many years to formulate this pattern. Surely in its mind it would anticipate all the attention. All the minds which would speculate. The only one profanely cleverer than the carpenter is perhaps the carpenter's mind itself. Because know the carpenter's mind is but not one awareness ... there are many faces there. Some are more trustworthy than the rest. All it takes is a crack to form in the dam ... and water from that sacred well can flow down the mountainside. No vessel is watertight when given to constant ebb and flow.'

Those who deal with and know ... are not so trustworthy as they are thought to be. Silent voices talk but what they reveal is not the words that break the seal on that secret. But what they say might be construed as the hospitality required to assess all is not as it seems.

Mary comes and Mary goes; but does she know where the sacred mark is held? Will she relent or will the constant tide continue to seal the visions seen. Clever minds debate and decide. But it is within the shores of the paupers that what they all seek. Plain before the eyes in the sunshine. A door with an empty mark; faded designs on worn paintwork. There before the eyes of so many passing by is the threshold ... the door leading to that which will soon make the news as a discovery.