Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 6 November 2007

Ritual And The Centre

The purpose of ritual is the uniting of the microcosm with the macrocosm. This can be related, in magical terms, to the invocation and consequent knowledge of and conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel. In mystical terms it is identical to the achievement of Samadhi.

The Holy Guardian Angel is a symbol representing the experience of identify with the the centre or 'I' which is part of the whole Self - the clearest part of it.

All ritual therefore aims to achieve this I or 'centre'. A ritual can only be said to be lawful when it is in line with the true development of the soul. An unlawful ritual is one which is performed for the purpose of gaining certain effects or powers just for the sake of the effect or the power itself and is not in line with the true will or purpose of the magician.