Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 11 December 2007

Tarot Card of the Day

This woman has a position of power and authority. It may be expressed in the home or as head of a business empire. She is commanding and forthright. She makes wise choices based on all the information she can gather. She is the eternal mother. Her maternal instincts are exceptionally well developed and she may play the "mothering" role in various aspects of her life. She "likes" to look after people, it comes naturally to her. She is the nurturer and the provider. She is sensitive and understanding, gentle and compassionate. She has a soft heart and is always at the ready when needed or if there is an emergency.

She is highly intuitive, romantic, and emotional. She is easily moved to tears, yet is mature in her outlook. She is strong, warm and affectionate. Giving hugs is her forte. Her passion is looking after people and their needs. Her soul has been directed to the caring of humanity. The roles she could involve herself in are mother, nurturer, counsellor, adviser, or in charge of any industry involved with humanitarian or charitable functions such as orphanages, whether large or small. She is the one who guides and instructs and cares for anyone who asks. This gives her enormous emotional fulfilment and Satisfaction.

The Empress is generous and kind hearted. She is incredibly resourceful and has has learnt the skills along the way to build her own nest egg. In her prime and the latter part of her life she will have abundance and comforts. Her home decorating tastes become more luxurious as she gets older. In the meantime she focusses on making her home warm and welcoming. She is ever ready to make anyone a cup of tea and help them relax and unwind. This woman cares about her appearance and may fuss over her hair, clothes and/or makeup. She likes to be pampered and may go to great lengths to achieve this, whether soaking in a bath, having massages, facials etc. She would like the good things in life, good food, good wine and plenty of socialising. Dinner by candlelight would be the way she would prefer to have her meals, with good company and conversation.

The Empress is also practical and logical in her outlook and generally tends to stick to her decisions after careful consideration. She can be analytical, but not to the point of taking too long to make up her mind. She is the kind of person you can take your troubles to and she will listen carefully and compassionately to your woes. Her advice, when sought, is wise and well thought out. She does not offer advice unless asked as she knows only too well that people may only want someone to talk to, to air their feelings with and that may be all they really need. She may have gifts in the arts or she could love sewing, knitting or other needlework as she enjoys making beautiful yet practical items. She may dabble in various hobbies until she finds the one or two which she enjoys the most. She probably has very soft hands, despite always keeping them busy. She likes to hug people and make them feel wanted