Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Clinton Co-ordinating Haiti Relief

'Ban Ki-Moon obviously has a very twisted sense of humour. As if the Katrina fiasco wasn’t sufficient evidence of the singular unsuitability of the U.S. to lead any sort of disaster effort, appointing a power-abusing sex-offending lying ex-President as Special Envoy beggared belief.

Even the most generous interpretation would have to conclude that the U.S. had already surpassed its Katrina incompetence - they took eight days, yes EIGHT days, to decide to air-drop food and water into Haiti, resulting in who knows how many thousand unnecessary deaths. [i] Defense Secretary Robert Gates said earlier airdrops were ruled out "because they might have done more harm than good."’ [ii] (ie there would be more survivors who might challenge the blatant US military occupation, carried out under the guise of 'security’ to protect the populace from the pseudo-rioting and looting invented by U.S. media hacks to justify it.'