Further Reading

Friday 31 March 2023

The Legend of Shambhala: A Hidden Land That May Exist Within Our Own

Shambhala is said to be a physical place as much as it is spiritual. The concept of this ‘hidden’ land comes from Buddhist philosophy. Apparently it even has a geographical location somewhere deep within or around the Himalayas, perhaps closer to Tibet. It came to be known as a Buddhist ‘pure land’ that exists within our own but in another dimension, and is said to be inhabited by very advanced and ‘enlightened’ beings. Its capital city is called Kalapa, which is located at the centre of Shambhala.

According to the Dalai Lama at a speech he gave in 1985 during the Kalachakra Initiations:

“Although those with special affiliation may actually be able to go there through their karmic connection, nevertheless it is not a physical place that we can actually find. We can only say that it is a pure land, a pure land in the human realm. And unless one has the merit and the actual karmic association, one cannot actually arrive there.”

According to the The Theosophical Society,

“Shambhala, however, although no erudite Orientalist has yet succeeded in locating it geographically, is an actual land or district, the seat of the greatest brotherhood of spiritual adepts and their chiefs on earth today. From Shambhala, at certain times in the history of the world, or more accurately of our own fifth root-race, come forth the messengers or envoys of spiritual and intellectual work among men.”...<<<Read More>>>...

5D Shift: Inflexion Point in Society – Anchoring the Emergent Light

We’re entering a major inflexion point in the Shift that’s bound to impact society. The controllers are efforting to chaperone the system with greater financial control. But all the while, the old karmic construct is losing its power. The light of a new Star Being consciousness is breaking through. It’s essential evolving souls anchor in this new light for the greatest possible upliftment in our own lives, but also to ripple ever wider afield through the world. Let’s double down on our focus.

It looks like the next card the controllers are dropping in this great game of charades is a manufactured banking crisis. This last year, we’ve witnessed the fastest interest rate rise in human history which, has fractured the business models of many banks – they’re struggling to keep their heads above water. It’s clearly been engineered to introduce the new Central Bank Digital Currencies. On the one hand, it can manage the burgeoning global debt mountain more expediently, but also, it’s clear they’ll try to use it to apply greater control over people’s lives.

Let’s be abundantly clear, no matter what the doomers and gloomers tell you, the controllers will NOT get it all their own way. Genuine cryptocurrency came into being in 2009, after the last credit crunch. It’s a “white hat” gift from the Star Being consciousness to break the hegemony of the financial controllers. Right now, over 1 million people in the USA hold some amount of Bitcoin, and despite the obvious suppression of this bright new industry by the shadow, it’s still thriving and the industry blossoming with exciting new developments daily....<<<Read More>>>...

Confidential Pfizer Documents confirm Graphene Oxide is in the COVID Vaccines & here is how to remove it from your body

 Speculation has been rife for over two years that the Covid-19 injections contain Graphene Oxide. A toxic substance that causes strange blood clots and destroys red blood cells.

It has a natural negative charge, whereas red blood cells are naturally positively charged. When the reduced Graphene enters the body and red blood cells, it immediately starts to cause the cells to stack up onto themselves.

This can possibly lead to strange blood clotting, strokes/aneurysms and at worst death. This has been proven by scientists previously (see here).

Medicine Regulators have denied the substance is in any of the Covid-19 injections. But this denial is most likely why The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of a safety review on December 11th, 2020.

However, in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered the FDA to release 55,000 pages per month. Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website.

The first batch of documents revealed that Covid-19 vaccination was most likely going to lead to depopulation. With 2 million excess deaths in just the ‘Five Eyes’ countries and just over half of Europe two years after the roll-out, it appears that revelation is true.

But we could not find any reference to Graphene Oxide.. until now....<<<Read More>>>...

Going Cashless: EU Is Pushing To Criminalize Use Of Physical Cash

 As Central Banks assert control while making way for their dystopian Central Bank Digital Currencies, governments are moved to criminalize the use of cash. It’s an incremental squeeze, lowering the levels of permitted transactions. The war on cash is global, making it obvious that this is a key part of flipping the world into scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy. ⁃ TN Editor

The European Union is in danger of “criminalising” the use of physical cash with its new anti-money laundering laws, an MEP has warned.

Dr Gunnar Beck, a representative for the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, has warned that the EU appears to be pushing for the “criminalisation” of the use of physical cash with its new anti-money laundering (AML) laws.

Politicians in Brussels have long been pondering an upper legal limit on the value of cash transactions within the bloc, with lawmakers detailing plans to ban Europeans from spending over €10,000 in physical tender as part of a single transaction.

The European Parliament however has now voted for such a proposed limit to be dropped down to as little as €7,000 as part of efforts to clamp down on money laundering and tax dodging within the bloc, with officials also voting to see cryptocurrency transactions paying for goods and services that are valued over €1,000 to be banned.

Many within the parliament appear to be justifying the decisions as being an important step in curtailing criminality within Europe, though Dr Beck warns that the limits on cash payments now appear to have gone too far.

In a statement to Breitbart Europe, Beck emphasised that while the AfD welcomed additional efforts to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing, it rejected the parliament’s call for cash transactions to be curtailed.

“While we should focus on money laundering by organized crime and Islamist terrorists, the EU chooses to tighten its surveillance of German savers and pensioners transactions,” Dr Beck remarked. “This is a mistake.”

He went on to claim that the AfD were now the “only party defending cash freedom” in Germany, with the members of other supposedly right-leaning parties from the country allegedly voting in favour of the cash restrictions, despite criticising the implementation of similar measures at home...<<<Read More>>>...

DEPOPULATION: Over 2 million excess deaths recorded globally since the rollout of the covid-19 injections

Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is not saving lives. The excess death data confirm the opposite is taking place over 2021 and 2022. Since the emergency use rollout of the covid-19 injections, over 2 million EXCESS deaths have been recorded globally. The US suffered 674,954 excess deaths in 2021, and then another 434,520 excess deaths by week 49 of 2022. Europe suffered 375,253 excess deaths in 2021 and 404,6000 excess deaths in 2022. It’s not a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” as was advertised in 2021. In fact, most “fully vaccinated” adult populations are more likely to contract covid-19, get sick and die. While covid-19 vaccines aren’t the only vector destroying people’s immune systems and killing them off, they are obviously the driving force.

These excess death statistics are compiled from government databases around the world, including the Office for National Statistics, the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Centers for Disease Control, the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation, and Development, and the Euro MOMO.

The covid-19 pandemic emergency that has been artificially constructed for over three years, pales in comparison to the REAL EMERGENCY that has gone undeclared over the past decade. Vaccine experiments are destroying people’s lives, harming their cardiovascular system, decimating their immune system, and destroying herd immunity, among countless other harms.

Instead of improving the innate immune response, covid-19 injections have weakened the individual immune response, causing vaccine-induced autoimmune deficiency syndrome. When government and public health officials talk about waning vaccine efficacy and when they recommend new boosters, they are really admitting that the vaccine is damaging your immune system, making you more susceptible to all infections, including the perpetual mutations of the coronavirus. This suppression of the immune system is also linked to increased production or formation of tumors, immune thrombocytopenia, and myocarditis....<<<Read More>>>...

Thursday 30 March 2023

COVID-19 not responsible for "explosion" in heart deaths. Major autopsy study shows "must be the vaccine"

Since the early days of the pandemic there has been a concern that SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans could cause heart inflammation and thus cardiac injury and death. A number of observational studies have appeared to show increased heart problems following infection, though the observational nature of these studies has led to criticism they are confounded and unreliable. Other studies have not found an increase in heart problems following Covid infection and have established that myocarditis was not above baseline in 2020.

Now the lack of relationship between COVID-19 and heart inflammation has been confirmed in a systematic review of 50 autopsy studies covering 548 hearts of patients who died of or with COVID-19. While around two thirds of the hearts had SARS-CoV-2 found in the tissue, none had extensive myocarditis as the cause of death. Top heart doctor Peter McCullough comments on the study - which was published last year - that it "should be the nail in the coffin in ruling out COVID-19 illness as a cause of fatal myocarditis".

"Despite the virus being found in heart tissue, it was not causing significant inflammation," he said.

This means that the "explosion of fatal myocarditis" as inferred from the reports and autopsies of unexplained cardiac arrest, "must have another explanation than SARS-CoV-2 infection," he added.

"The only new proven cause of heart damage in human populations is COVID-19 vaccination. Vaccines used in America (Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, Novavax) have been demonstrated to cause myocarditis as published in the peer-reviewed literature."

Autopsies of vaccinated patients have found clear evidence of strong expression of spike protein in heart muscle that, according to Dr. Michael Palmer and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, "correlates with significant inflammation and tissue destruction"....<<<Read More>>>...

The Law of Resonance vs. Law of Attraction : Understanding the Key Differences for Manifestation

Have you ever heard of the Law of Resonance (sometimes called the Law of Vibration) and the Law of Attraction? These two concepts are often mentioned when it comes to manifestation and achieving one’s desires, but they are not the same thing. They are subtly – but importantly – different in how they work and what they require of you.

Both laws are based on the concept that like attracts like but it’s important to understand the difference if you want to use either – or both – of these laws to manifest the life of your dreams.

When it comes to manifestation, the Law of Resonance is the primary law; the Law of Attraction is a secondary law that arises from the Law of Resonance....<<<Read More>>>...

Anticipating the Good

 When we find ourselves going through any kind of change in our lives, our natural response may be to tense up on the physical, mental, or emotional level. We may not even notice that we have braced ourselves against a shift until we recognize the anxiety, mood swings, or general worried feeling toward the unknown that usually results. There are positive ways to move through change without pushing it away, however, or attempting to deny that it is happening. 

Since change will occur in almost every aspect of our lives, we can learn to make our response to it an affirmative one of anticipation, welcoming the new while releasing the past with grace.

One thing we can do is change our perspective by changing the labels we use to identify our feelings. We can reinterpret feelings of anxiety as the anxious butterflies that come with eager expectation. With this shift, we begin to look for the good that is on its way to us. Though we may only be able to imagine the possibilities, when we acknowledge that good is there for us to find, we focus our energy on joyful anticipation and bring it into our experience while allowing the feelings to carry us forward.

We can also choose to do a ceremony to allow our emotions to process. Every culture has created ceremonies to help people make the transition from one phase of life to the next. We can always create a ceremony too, perhaps by burning written thoughts to watch the smoke carry them away, thereby releasing them, or we can welcome new endeavors by planting flowers or trees. Some ceremonial activities such as a farewell send-off or housewarming party, we may do automatically. Society also has built-in ceremonies, like graduation and weddings, which may satisfy the need we feel. Sometimes the shift from denial to acceptance is all that is needed to ease our anxiety, allowing us to bring our memories with us as we move through nervousness to joyful excitement about the good to come....<<<Read More>>>...

Could aliens be watching us? It’s more likely than you might imagine

 A recent report by US Pentagon officials suggests that alien civilizations may be exploring our solar system with small probes that could gather and transmit data.

The report, co-authored by Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the director of the US Department of Defense’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) and Avi Loeb, former chair of Harvard University’s Department of Astronomy, was published on March 7 and examines the physical constraints of unidentified aerial phenomena, reports jpost.com.

The authors propose that extraterrestrials may be using what they call “dandelion seeds”, which are very small spacecraft that can collect and transmit information, similar to NASA’s probes.

“An artificial object carried on a small aircraft that will release several small tracking devices may visit or has already visited earth,” the authors wrote....<<<Read More>>>...

The Biggest Threat To Our Freedom

 Central Bank Digital Currencies are already here, and they present the biggest threat to our freedom. Let's look closely to understand how this works.

A Central Bank Digital Currency, also known as a CBDC, is a new form of digital money similar to a cryptocurrency. But unlike cryptocurrencies which are decentralized and private, CBDCs are not at all. They are instead the total opposite of cryptocurrency.

CBDCs are completely owned and controlled by governments. Meaning governments would hold your wallet, your money, and have access to all of your banking information. This would include information on every transaction in your daily life. It’s ultimate centralization.

With cryptocurrencies, governments can’t track how much you have, where you spend your money, or who you give it to. Plus they are decentralized, effectively pulling power away from central banks who have been using debt to control and enslave entire populations for decades.

With upcoming CBDCs, governments would enjoy more secrecy, and be able to control their population more than they currently do. CBDCs would also be easier to tax, since hiding any money from the government would be impossible.

Remember, central banks ARE the problem, and have been for decades. Crypto was created to stop this problem, yet they have gotten a bad rep because they don’t serve the interests of powerful people....<<<Read More>>>...

A State of Never-Ending Crisis: The Government Is Fermenting Mass Hysteria

 We have become guinea pigs in a ruthlessly calculated, carefully orchestrated, chillingly cold-blooded experiment in how to control a population and advance a political agenda without much opposition from the citizenry.

This is mind-control in its most sinister form.

With alarming regularity, the nation is being subjected to a spate of violence that terrorizes the public, destabilizes the country, and gives the government greater justifications to crack down, lock down, and institute even more authoritarian policies for the so-called sake of national security without many objections from the citizenry.

Take this latest shooting in Nashville, Tenn.

The 28-year-old shooter (a clearly troubled transgender individual in possession of several military-style weapons) opened fire in a Christian elementary school, killing three children and three adults.

Already, fingers are being pointed and battle lines are being drawn.

Those who want safety at all costs are clamoring for more gun control measures (if not at an outright ban on assault weapons for non-military, non-police personnel), widespread mental health screening of the general population, more threat assessments and behavioral sensing warnings, more CCTV cameras with facial recognition capabilities, more “See Something, Say Something” programs aimed at turning Americans into snitches and spies, more metal detectors and whole-body imaging devices at soft targets, more roaming squads of militarized police empowered to do random bag searches, more fusion centers to centralize and disseminate information to law enforcement agencies, and more surveillance of what Americans say and do, where they go, what they buy and how they spend their time.

This is all part of the Deep State’s master plan.

Ask yourselves: why are we being bombarded with crises, distractions, fake news and reality TV politics? We’re being conditioned like lab mice to subsist on a steady diet of bread-and-circus politics and an endless spate of crises.

Caught up in this “crisis of the now,” the average person has a hard time keeping up with and remembering all of the “events,” manufactured or otherwise, which occur like clockwork in order to keep us distracted, deluded, amused, and insulated from reality....<<<Read More>>>....

Zelensky admits Ukraine already OUT OF AMMO – another begging spree in the works

More BS from the spoof war. 


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has admitted that his forces are already out of ammunition.

Zelensky made this admission in an interview published March 25 by the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun. He told Yomuiri‘s Koya Ozeki: “We do not have ammunition. For us, the situation in the east [of Ukraine] is not good.”

The Ukrainian leader appealed for an “acceleration of the supply of ammunition from the U.S. and European Union,” alongside “tanks for the de-occupation of Ukraine.” The latter is expected to be deployed in battle in April, with Zelensky expressing his intent to deploy them to break through the Russian military defense line.

Zelensky also responded to concerns that other countries providing weapons to Ukraine could lead to an escalation of conflict. He said: “I would like people to stop getting scared by threats of the Russian Federation. The stronger we are, the less possibilities for Russia to go through Europe and thus for a third world war.”

The Ukrainian president also rebuked China’s 12-point proposal to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict, reiterating that Kyiv’s “sovereignty and territorial integrity” comes first. The proposal from Beijing includes ceasefire and peace talks, but does not mention the complete withdrawal of Russian troops or the return of territory annexed by Moscow.

“It is not just about us. If we fall down, Russia will go further,” Zelensky claimed, adding that “only Russia’s defeat in this war” can stop the country....<<<Read More>>>....

Wednesday 29 March 2023

New Analysis Shows How The CDC Spread False Information That Exaggerated The Severity of COVID-19

 Public health agencies should be held to a high standard, yet they are getting away with spreading false information and accusing others who have posted factual information, of doing the same.

Academics from the University of California, San Francisco have published a new paper titled “Statistical and Numerical Errors Made by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) During the COVID-19 Pandemic.”

The paper outlines 25 instances when the CDC reported statistical or numerical errors. Twenty (80%) of these instances, according to the researchers, “exaggerated the severity of the COVID-19 situation.”

They also explain how the CDC was notified about the errors in 16 (64%) instances and later corrected the errors, at least partially, in 13 (52%) instances.

As the paper points out, it’s quite ironic that “inaccurate and misleading information” labels were put on various scientific papers, posts made by experts in the field, and more throughout the pandemic yet the CDC themselves have been outed multiple times for spreading misinformation....<<<Read More>>>...


There are a lot of speculations as to what all they are doing in Antarctica beyond simply hiding access to the best proof of creation, so I wanted to share this short comment to shed some light onto one possibility. The Father knew what the foolish powers of darkness would be up to when He desinged the great expanse, so I know there would be barriers and preventative measures in place to stop them as seen with the tower of Babel and Operation Fishbowl. I wasn't shocked to find out they may have tried around the same time operation fishbowl was going on to drill into walls surrounding this expanse or the expanse itself. I do not know the person who made the comment, so I can't say that they were for sure stationed in Antarctica, but would love to track them down if possible. If anyone is able to find them, please let me know.

Memory Lane - "Nuthatch"



Follow the Money: Unmasking Bill Gates’ unwarranted influence on COVID Health Policy & His controversial ties to Jeffrey Epstein

 Bill Gates, a billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist, has long been perceived as a benevolent figure, striving to improve global public health. However, the reality may be far different than this carefully cultivated image.

In this article, we delve into the influence Bill Gates wields in public health sectors and explore the reasons why he is often seen as a medical expert despite having no formal qualifications.

We also examine some of the questionable motives and connections that cast a shadow on his seemingly “charitable” endeavours.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has become one of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) most significant donors in recent years, contributing hundreds of millions of dollars annually.

In fact, the Gates Foundation’s financial support to the WHO has grown so much that it now outpaces the contributions made by many individual nations.

This considerable funding has raised concerns about the level of influence the foundation wields over the organization’s decision-making processes and global health policies.

With the Gates Foundation being a substantial source of funding for the WHO, there are valid concerns about the Foundation’s impact on the Organization’s agenda and priorities.

The Bill Gates Foundation’s financial influence has the potential to divert the WHO’s attention from critical public health issues to projects that align more closely with the foundation’s interests.

This has resulted in a disproportionate focus on specific diseases or the promotion of certain interventions, such as mRNA Covid-19 vaccines, at the expense of other crucial health initiatives and the health and lives of the public.

The Gates Foundation’s funding of the WHO raises serious questions about potential conflicts of interest, given that the Foundation holds shares in pharmaceutical companies that develop and manufacture vaccines.

With the WHO being responsible for coordinating global health responses and providing guidance on vaccination policies, there is a concern that the Gates Foundation’s financial interests have and will continue to influence the WHO’s decision-making in ways that are more aligned with the foundation’s profit motives than with global health needs....<<<Read More>>>...

The Art of Awakening: A Guide to Finding Your True Self

 Do you sense that there’s more to life than what you’re experiencing?

Perhaps you’re feeling a need to be alone while you try to figure out your life. Perhaps you’re spending many hours searching for meaning – and not finding it. Or maybe severely fluctuating energy levels and moods are leaving you shattered and wondering what’s going on. Maybe you’re finding yourself more sensitive to people, places, and atmospheres. You might be questioning everything you’ve previously taken for granted. Or perhaps you’re experiencing visions or clairvoyance or deeply unsettling dreams.

Emotional and energetic symptoms like these, together with headaches, fatigue and depressive episodes, are common in people who are about to go through the spiritual awakening process.

So you are not alone.

But spiritual awakening can be messy and it can be painful. It can also take a long time for some people, although a minority may have a sudden awakening in a profound moment of trauma or joy.

So buckle up and settle in for the journey – because the destination is truly worth waiting for.

Spiritual awakening is a process of self-discovery and transformation that involves a shift in consciousness. It’s about moving beyond the ego and connecting with your higher self, which is the part of you that’s connected to the universe and everything in it. When you awaken, you become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and actions, and you begin to see yourself and the world around you in a new light....<<<Read More>>>....

The Great Food Reset Has Begun

 In the Netherlands, the political establishment is reeling from the victory of the Farmer-Citizen Movement (BBB) in the recent provincial elections – an extraordinary result for an anti-establishment party that was formed just over three years ago, says Thomas Fazi in UnHerd. He has written an insightful piece on the sinister global agenda that the farmers are pushing back against. Here’s an excerpt.

The BBB grew out of the mass demonstrations against the Dutch Government’s proposal to cut nitrogen emissions by 50% in the country’s farming sector by 2030 — a target designed to comply with the European Union’s emission-reduction rules. While large farming companies have the means to meet these goals — by using less nitrogen fertiliser and reducing the number of their livestock — smaller, often family-owned farms would be forced to sell or shutter. Indeed, according to a heavily redacted European Commission document, this is precisely the strategy’s goal: “extensifying agriculture, notably through buying out or terminating farms, with the aim of reducing livestock”; this would “first be on a voluntary basis, but mandatory buyout is not excluded if necessary”.

It is no surprise, then, that the plans sparked massive protests by farmers, who see it as a direct attack on their livelihoods, or that the BBB’s slogan — “No Farms, No Food” — clearly resonated with voters. But aside from concerns about the impact of the measure on the country’s food security, and on a centuries-old rural way of life integral to Dutch national identity, the rationale behind this drastic measure is also questionable. Agriculture currently accounts for almost half of the country’s output of carbon dioxide, yet the Netherlands is responsible for less than 0.4% of the world’s emissions. No wonder many Dutch fail to see how such negligible returns justify the complete overhaul of the country’s farming sector, which is already considered one of the most sustainable in the world: over the past two decades, water dependence for key crops has been reduced by as much as 90%, and the use of chemical pesticides in greenhouses has been almost completely eliminated....<<<Read More>>>...

The drug being readied for the avian flu plandemic causes side effects that include BELIEVING false narratives, making it perfect for social control

  Former CDC Director Robert Redfield recently warned that gain-of-function research and bioterrorism will inevitably bring about a future avian flu pandemic. The US government is already mapping out a suspicious new bird flu strain that is passing from wild birds to mammals and causing strange behaviors. 

Strangely enough, a blockbuster drug is already being readied to “treat” this upcoming avian flu. This drug is called Peramivir and goes by the trade name Rapivab.

The drug company behind the treatment, BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, has already prepared a list of common side effects for their blockbuster drug. These side effects include: “holding false beliefs that cannot be changed by fact” and “seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there.” The drug’s insert sheet might as well say that “other side effects resemble a zombie apocalypse.”

With side effects as crazy as these, the drug company is openly admitting that their drug is a psychological experiment on the population. Traditionally, antiviral compounds and medicines do not cause psychological effects, let alone cause an individual to believe something! This drug has the potential to not only make you believe something, but to make you believe something that is FALSE. This means there is more to this drug than basic antiviral compounds. These drugs are being designed to manipulate memories and beliefs! If this drug can make you believe falsehoods, it must be interfering with certain proteins, enzymes, neurons, and synapses to manipulate objective experience, memory, and emotion....<<<Read More>>>...

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Tuesday 28 March 2023

The US Is Still Not Following The Science: But Why?

The COVID "crisis," as claimed by governments, began over three years ago. Most countries have long moved on from restrictions associated with the pandemic, yet the United States still does not allow unvaccinated foreigners into their country.

For many months now, they remain one of just a handful of countries in the world still holding to this policy.

But why?

I trust it's clear up to this point that virtually every person has had COVID at least once or twice, and natural immunity is on par or sometimes better than being "fully vaccinated".

Recall that being "fully vaccinated" means two doses of a COVID vaccine. If someone got vaccinated when vaccines were first made available, those doses would have long worn off and would be offering no added protection.

Whereas someone who had COVID just a couple of months ago would have added protection, yet still can't enter the US. Further, current COVID variants are the mildest they have ever been...<<<Read More>>>...

You Have All the Answers Within You

 Many of us seek the answers to life’s questions by looking outside of ourselves and trying to glean advice from the people around us. But as each of us is unique, with our own personal histories, our own sense of right and wrong, and our own way of experiencing the world that defines our realities, looking to others for our answers is only partially helpful. The answers to our personal questions can be most often found by looking within. When you realize that you always have access to the part of you that always knows what you need and is meant to act as your inner compass, you can stop searching outside of yourself. If you can learn to hear, trust, and embrace the wisdom that lives within you, you will be able to confidently navigate your life.

Trusting your inner wisdom may be awkward at first, particularly if you grew up around people who taught you to look to others for answers. We each have exclusive access to our inner knowing. All we have to do is remember how to listen. Remember to be patient as you relearn how to hear, receive, and follow your own guidance. If you are unsure about whether following your inner wisdom will prove reliable, you may want to think of a time when you did trust your own knowing and everything worked out. Recall how the answers came to you, how they felt in your body as you considered them, and what happened when you acted upon this guidance. Now, recall a time when you didn’t trust yourself and the results didn’t work out as you had hoped. Trusting your own guidance can help you avoid going against what you instinctively know is right for you.

When you second guess yourself and go against what you know to be your truth, you can easily go off course because you are no longer following your inner compass. By looking inside yourself for the answers to your life’s questions, you are consulting your best guide. Only you can know the how’s and why’s of your life. The answers that you seek can be found when you start answering your own questions....<<<Read More>>>...

After years, the mystery of the six-inch “alien” skeleton was solved

 The discovery of a six-inch skeleton with a cone-shaped head in Chile’s Atacama Desert in 2003 sparked a lot of speculation and controversy.

Some people believed that the mummified remains, nicknamed ‘Ata’, were those of an alien being that somehow ended up on Earth. However, after years of research and analysis, scientists have finally solved the mystery of Ata’s origin and appearance, reports ladbible.com.

According to a study published in 2023, Ata’s DNA was human, not extraterrestrial. The researchers also identified mutations in seven genes that are involved in human growth and development.

Garry Nolan, an immunologist based at the Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, deduced that Ata’s DNA was from a human being and not an alien.

With that said, though, there is still a major mystery that was left unanswered as Nolan simply could not conclude how such a small human being could have the peculiar physical appearance that she did.

He said, as reported by National Geographic: “Once we understood that it was human, the next step was to understand how something could come to look like this.”

These mutations could explain why Ata had such a small size and abnormal bone structure. The scientists concluded that Ata was most likely a human fetus that died before or shortly after birth and suffered from severe skeletal dysplasia...<<<Read More>>>...

5 Months to Kill: The terrifying relationship between Deaths, COVID Deaths & Covid-19 Vaccination

 A peculiar pattern has now persisted in official UK Government data for some time. Approximately five months after each dose of the Covid-19 vaccine is administered to each age group, the mortality rates per 100,000 rise significantly among the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated.

So much so that by the end of May 2022, mortality rates were lowest among the unvaccinated in every single age group in England, and highest among the one-dose vaccinated, the two-dose vaccinated and the three-dose vaccinated.

Now, an analysis of Covid-19 data published by the UK Government has found that not only does the same pattern persists in Covid-19 deaths, but each dose of Covid-19 injection given causes a significant rise in Covid-19 deaths.

Between the 1st March and 31st July 2021, a period of 5 months, the vaccinated accounted for the majority of Covid-19 deaths in England, and it was the one-dose vaccinated who accounted for the majority (66%) of those deaths.

Between the 1st August and 31st December 2021, a period of 5 months, the vaccinated again accounted for the majority of Covid-19 deaths, with deaths nearly tripling compared to the previous 5 months, and it was the two-dose vaccinated who accounted for the majority (83%) of those deaths.

Finally, between the 1st January and 31st May 2022, a period of 5 months, the vaccinated once again accounted for the majority of Covid-19 deaths, with deaths again increasing compared to the previous five months, and it was the triple vaccinated who accounted for the majority (82%) of those deaths...<<<Read More>>>...

UK still pushing covid booster shots in expensive, state-sponsored self-harm initiative

 There appears to be no end to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” and “booster” campaigns in the United Kingdom, where the public is still being pushed to take shot after shot after shot despite prolific evidence that the injections are deadly.

The campaign is so aggressive and unrelenting that Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen gave a speech before said parliament blasting the gene-based injections as both unsafe and ineffective – a position that quickly got his speech banned from the Google-owned YouTube platform.

Having previously delivered a similar speech on December 13 of last year, Bridgen delivered yet another this past week that stunned the world. It was so popular, in fact, that outcry from the public ultimately convinced YouTube to reinstate it – you can watch it below...<<<Read More>>>...

Monday 27 March 2023

Police probing Madeleine McCann case 'set to get hundreds of thousands of pounds in new funding'

 Police investigating the disappearance of Madeleine McCann are to receive hundreds of thousands of pounds in new funding in an effort to finally discover what happened to the three-year-old. 

A significant sum has been requested by the Met Police and is likely to be approved by the Home Office, The Sun reports.

Madeleine went missing while on holiday with her family in Praia da Luz, Portugal, in May 2007, vanishing from their accommodation without trace.

Each year hundreds of thousands of pounds are spent on attempts to find her, with a total of £13million being spent since 2011.

A source close to the ongoing investigation last night said her parents would be 'delighted' with the news.

The source said: 'This is excellent news. Maddie's parents Kate and Gerry will be delighted. It gives fresh hope.'

There had been fears that the probe into the toddler's case could be scaled back amid budget cuts....<<<Read More>>>...

How they convinced Trump to lock down

An enduring mystery for three years is how Donald Trump came to be the president who shut down American society for what turned out to be a manageable respiratory virus, setting off an unspeakable crisis with waves of destructive fallout that continue to this day.

Something about this story has never really added up. How could one person have been so persuaded by a handful of others such as Fauci, Birx, Pence, and Kushner and his friends? He surely had other sources of information - some other scenario or intelligence - that fed into his disastrous decision.

In one version of events, his advisors simply pointed to the supposed success of Xi Jinping in enacting lockdowns in Wuhan, which the World Health Organization claimed had stopped infections and brought the virus under control. Perhaps his advisors flattered Trump with the observation that he is at least as great as the president of China so he should be bold and enact the same policies here.

One problem with this scenario is timing. The Oval Office meetings that preceded his March 16, 2020, edict took place the weekend of the 14th and 15th, Friday and Saturday. It was already clear by the 11th that Trump was ready for lockdowns. This was the same day as Fauci's deliberately misleading testimony to the House Oversight Committee in which he rattled the room with predictions of Hollywood-style carnage...<<<Read More>>>...

Tom DeLonge Makes Some Very Irresponsible Comments About UFOs

 Former Blink 182 Star Tom DeLonge stated that anyone who suggests UFOs have a benevolent nature is either lying or not equated with the facts.
In a tweet on March 23, he stated the following,

“Greer has gotten a lot of people into the subject. Anyone saying UAP/UFOs are peaceful and have our best interest in mind, are choosing to lie, or disregard the facts. Do not trust anyone that spreads these views. Read GODS, MAN and WAR from Peter Lavenda. The gods are NOT kind.”

Steven Greer is a long time UFO researcher who brought out hundreds of verified military personnel of all ranks from around the world to testify about their experiences with UFOs while serving in the military. He has long been touting the idea that UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin, that they are peaceful and do not represent any type of threat.

A few years ago DeLonge got tapped by several people in the intelligence community, one being Jim Semivan. Semivan had a long career in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and still works with them. Luis Elizondo, a former US Army Counterintelligence Special Agent and former employee of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, was also involved. Another was Christopher Mellon, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations. He formerly served as the Staff Director of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and is a member of the influential Mellon family....<<<Read More>>>...

Permission to Be Real

Most of us are familiar with the idea of keeping it real and have an intuitive sense about what that means. People who keep it real don’t hide behind a persona to keep themselves safe from their fear of how they might be perceived. They don’t present a false self in order to appear more perfect, more powerful, or more independent. People who keep it real present themselves as they truly are, the good parts and the parts most of us would rather hide, sharing their full selves with the people who are lucky enough to know them.

Being real in this way is not an easy thing to do as we live in a culture that often shows us images of physical and material perfection. As a result, we all want to look younger, thinner, wealthier, and more successful. We are rewarded externally when we succeed at this masquerade, but people who are real remind us that, internally, we suffer. Whenever we feel that who we are is not enough and that we need to be bigger, better, or more exciting, we send a message to ourselves that we are not enough. Meanwhile, people who are not trying to be something more than they are walk into a room and bring a feeling of ease, humor, and warmth with them. They acknowledge their wrinkles and laugh at their personal eccentricities without putting themselves down.

People like this inspire us to let go of our own defenses and relax for a moment in the truth of who we really are. In their presence, we feel safe enough to take off our personas and experience the freedom of not hiding behind a barrier. Those of us who were lucky enough to have a parent who was able to keep it real may find it easier to be that way ourselves. The rest of us may have to work a little harder to let go of our pretenses and share the beauty and humor of our real selves. Our reward for taking such a risk is that as we do, we will attract and inspire others, giving them the permission to be real too...<<<Read More>>>...

UK Oncologist warns Cancers are rapidly developing post-Covid Vaccination – “I am experienced enough to know this is not coincidental”

Dr. Angus Dalgleish, a renowned oncologist practising in the UK, recently wrote an open letter to the editor-in-chief of the medical journal The BMJ, urging the journal that harmful effects of Covid injections be “aired and debated immediately” because cancers and other diseases are rapidly progressing among “boosted” people.

Dr. Dalgleish is a Professor of Oncology at St George’s, University of London. His letter to Dr. Kamran Abbasi, the Editor in Chief of the BMJ, was written in support of a colleague’s plea to Dr. Abbasi that the BMJ make valid informed consent for Covid vaccination a priority topic....<<<Read More>>>....

Lunatic Democrats are coming for your gas stations: Climate cultists ban their existence in left-leaning cities

 If federal, state, and local Democrat-run governments can’t force you to buy an electric vehicle (powered by fossil-fuel-burning power plants with battery elements that are mined by black children in Africa working for pennies a day), they will simply take away your ability to put fuel in your gas- and diesel-powered vehicles.

According to the UK’s Daily Mail, Louisville, Colo., a blue-run city, has decided to prohibit the construction of new gas stations in an effort to combat ‘climate change.’ City councilors representing the town of 21,000 inhabitants voted on Tuesday to limit the number of gas stations available to residents to only six. This proposal effectively puts a cap on the number of gas stations within the city.

A seventh would only be permitted if a large retailer takes up the opportunity, the report said, adding that the lunatic measure was applauded by a Louisville city council member who believes that it is a necessary step to ‘combat global warming.’

“We have an obligation to take every step possible to address the changes to our climate that are ravaging our planet and directly impacting the health, well-being and livelihoods of the constituents we represent in Louisville,” Maxine Most told Fox News.

The City Council document that including the new ordinance defines vehicle service stations as a business “engaged in the sale of motor fuels and in supplying goods and services generally required in the operation and maintenance of automotive vehicles and the fulfilling of motorists’ needs.” The document adds that “major automotive repairs, painting, body and fender work are prohibited.”....<<<Read More>>>...

Memory Lane - "Nuthatch"



Is there a way to leave the simulated reality in which we live?

 Have you ever wondered if you are living in a computer simulation? If so, you are not alone. Many philosophers, scientists, and even celebrities have entertained the possibility that our reality is not what it seems.

But how can we tell if we are indeed simulated beings? And what can we do to break free from our prison?

The idea that humans might be living in a simulation is surprisingly old. Back in the 17th century, French philosopher René Descartes put forward the idea, but it really took over the scientific community when Oxford University philosopher Nick Bostrom wrote a paper on the possibility of simulating reality back in 2003.

Bostrom estimated the likelihood that we live inside some kind of ultra-modern alien computer....<<<Read More>>>....


Sunday 26 March 2023

What Is Body Scan Meditation and How Can It Help You Relax?

When you’re feeling stressed, it’s helpful to pay attention to your body because it helps ground you. There are many types of meditation to try, but body scan meditation is especially helpful when stress shows up in your body — a tight neck, headaches, or a clenched jaw. A body scan meditation involves mentally going through each part of your body and “checking in” to see how it is feeling. You may not even realize how tense you are until you do this exercise!

The purpose of a body scan meditation is to simply notice different parts of the body in order to relieve tension. It’s a type of mindfulness meditation, which is a mental exercise that helps you be more aware of your surroundings, body, and mind.

The definition of “body scan” gives away how it works: You “scan” your body sequentially by focusing on individual parts and paying attention to how they feel. Some people like to simply become aware of bodily sensations, while others prefer to relax each part of the body sequentially. In some versions of body scan meditation, you tighten muscles in different parts of the body and then relax them. Do what works for you! ....<<<Read More>>>...

'One Health', ESG & 'Sustainable Development': Inside the WHO's 'Pandemic Treaty'

The World Health Organization is the One Ring to Rule them All, and its written goal, inscribed in fiery letters along both sides of its band, is the Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Treaty. Fashioned by the Dark Lord of the Twenty-first Century, the United States of America, in its own iteration of Mount Doom, it only appears to yield US sovereignty to an external organisation.

In reality and practice, as this article will show, the Treaty will give Washington increased power over the G20 nations — the holders of the other 'rings' — and through them the rest of the Western World: not only its people but also its animals, its eco-systems, its resources. This, and not the health of the globe, is its dark purpose....<<<Read More>>>...

The Power Of Transmutation

 The violet flame is a powerful tool anyone can use in meditation. It helps release negative karma, raise your consciousness awareness, the frequency of your vibration, and accelerate your spiritual growth. Energy can’t be erased but it can be changed, transmuting negative into positive, darkness into light. This allows you to make the choices you feel negatively about become positive, while also changing your emotional experience. Physically, the violet flame releases emotions and energy pent up within that make you vulnerable to illness and disease.

The violet flame in meditation uses a combination of affirming thoughts and visualization. Once centered, begin by surrounding yourself with white-and-blue protective energy. You may even want to call on archangel Michael for his protection while you go into this powerful spiritual state. Then repeat thoughts such as “I am cleansed and purified by the violet flame.” Picture a huge bonfire before you, its immensity making you feel small beside it, and marvel as the colors flicker between purple, violet, and bright pink. Sense its warmth while noticing that it will not burn you. Step into the flame, letting it surround you entirely while also filling the spaces in your body, your thoughts, even the cells and molecules within you. Once there, focus on the positive things you’d like to create in your life or your hopes for others. Visualize the violet flame in the midst of the scenes as they unfold in your mind. You may want to ask that the power of the flame be multiplied to assist those in need.

When you have finished your meditation, be sure to close with gratitude. The violet flame is a powerful tool that should be used consciously and with intent. Forgetting to close with thanks keeps you connected and may lead to the unintentional misuse of this energy. It is always a good idea when finished with any spiritual practice to give thanks as this creates closure. Saints and adepts throughout the ages have known how to use the violet flame, but it is available for all to use to raise our awareness and, eventually, that of all mankind....<<<Read More>>>...