Further Reading

Tuesday 8 October 2024

As empire of lies crumbles, Hillary Clinton warns: "We'll lose total control" if social media stops censoring content

About nine months ago, the WSJ Editor-in-Chief admitted to Davos elites that legacy media outlets no longer had a monopoly on information and narratives. In other words, misinformation and disinformation campaigns to brainwash the masses were no longer working.

"We owned the news. We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts as well ... Nowadays, people can go to all sorts of different sources for the news. And they're much more questioning about what we're saying," WSJ EIC Emma Tucker said.

Questioning is right. These Davos elites, along with the 'Censorship blob' embedded deep within the Capital Beltway of DC and extending to Silcon's big tech, have been hellbent on dividing the nation for years and tricked the populace into endless foreign wars. At some point, folks must say, 'Enough is enough' as inflation crushes the nation and federal debt spirals out of control amid an illegal alien invasion....<<<Read More>>>...

Memory Lane - "Nankeen Kestrel"


Jack the Ripper breakthrough as DNA ‘finally unmasks serial killer after 136 years’

 This is the face of the world’s most infamous serial killer according to an author who has been studying the Jack the Ripper case for close to 30 years.

Ripper researcher Russell Edwards has used new facial remodelling technology to create this CGI black and white image of how the killer would have looked at the time.

It was after Mr Edwards used DNA evidence from the shawl of one of his victims to “prove” that Jack the Ripper was actually Aaron Kosminski, a Jewish immigrant from Poland who was one of the key suspects at the time of the horrific Whitechapel murders.

Now, in a second book on the case, Mr Edwards claims not only to have conclusively identified the Ripper, but also the reason why he mutilated his victims in such a way and how he evaded justice.

Jack the Ripper butchered and murdered at least five women in the Whitechapel area of east London over just a four month period from August to November 1888....<<<Read More>>>...

Those who push for a transhuman AI future are part of a clinically insane, anti-life demonic cult

 The transhuman artificial intelligence (“AI”) future is a “clinically insane, anti-life demonic cult” that aims to enslave humanity through technology, Julia Rose writes.

To resist this enslavement, people must adopt a lifestyle that is the opposite of one dependent on digital technology, starting by recognising their reliance on it and taking steps to release themselves from its control.

A key aspect of this resistance is “re-earthing,” a process that involves tapping into common sense and freeing oneself from blind acceptance of the digital control system.

The proponents of a transhuman AI future are a clinically insane, anti-life demonic cult. With this at the forefront of your mind, ask yourself: do I still want to do business with them?

If the answer is “No,” then take immediate steps to adopt a lifestyle as diametrically opposite as possible from the one that makes one dependent on both the tools and mindset of their trade.

I stress “mindset” because the state of mind behind the push to turn human beings into biocomputers is not sufficiently rejected by the majority of those using the cult’s technology.

There is almost no concentrated thought being applied to this already advanced enslavement process, therefore those not questioning their attachment to the EMF (Electro Magnetic Frequency) digital technology, lack the ability to resist the insidious capture of their best energies.

One can only put an end to something by first recognising its existence and one’s reliance on it.

This is the first phase of release from slavery and in taking control of one’s destiny.

So, what could such a diametrically opposite lifestyle to one of toxic IT dependency be?

Firstly, a re-earthing. A rational process that taps into common sense and frees one from blind acceptance of an ever more dominant digital control system.

This could, in practice, take many different forms and go in many different directions, but all would be about getting out of jail while one still can.

Electricity is being pushed centre stage as the key tool for both “convenience” and 24/7 invasive surveillance and control.

Consider the fact that all commercial alternative energy sources are about generating electricity. Electricity for public transportation, private cars, cooking, heat pumps (home heating), metering systems, telephone chargers, just about all communication tools, a plethora of household items, street lights, air conditioning, ventilation systems … the list goes on and on.

So, why is the Net Zero by 2045 scam so determined to replace carbon fuel sources with non-carbon-based electric energy? Anything to do with climate amelioration issues?

No, of course not....<<<Read More>>>...

George Soros-funded think tank reports that lack of DIVERSITY and “WHITENESS” make European youth lose trust in EU

 Proof this world has truly gone mad .... with this utter bilge claim by psychopaths.


A think tank funded by globalist billionaire George Soros recently claimed that the European Union's (EU) lack of diversity and dominance of "whiteness" are pushing young European voters to lose trust in the 27-member bloc's agenda.

According to the report of the Berlin-based think tank the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), titled "Welcome to Barbieland: European sentiment in the year of wars and elections," the predominance of native European politicians in the EU Parliament as well as the lack of ethnic diversity alienates the young ones supporting the union.

"Young voters will be put off supporting the bloc unless its demographics more closely resemble the national football teams of Europe," the report stated, pointing to the multicultural makeup of teams like those in France and Belgium.

The think tank also claimed that the EU's "whiteness" was "on full display" in recent European elections, making it harder to attract support from younger generations....<<<Read More>>>...

The Year Without a Summer

 Was this the start of the mud floods and the fall of Tartaria ??? Was this a natural disaster ... or man made to deliberately cause this nuclear winter?


The history of natural disasters is peppered with storms, floods, and even asteroids, but some of the most fascinating disasters have come from deep within the Earth itself thanks to volcanoes. Eruptions like the one that buried Pompeii, Italy, are prominently featured in grade school history lessons, but few volcanoes had such a dramatic and devastating impact as that of Mount Tambora. This volcano produced such a violent eruption in 1815 that it shielded the Earth from the sun's radiation, cooling the Northern Hemisphere and making 1816 “the year without a summer.”

Before it blew in April 1815, Tambora was a 14,000-foot peak at the center of an Indonesian island named Sumbawa. During the eruption, the volcano ejected billions of tons of gas and debris into the atmosphere. Much of the heavier ash and debris fell on the islands and sea around Tambora, but a significant amount wound up in the atmosphere, spreading around the world and partially blotting out the sun for months after the event. The eruption itself killed tens of thousands—if not hundreds of thousands—of people in the resulting pyroclastic flows, choking ashfalls, and tsunamis....<<<Read More>>>...

Monday 7 October 2024

The UK gov't wants to legalise 'assisted dying'. Here's what happens next.

The Parliament of the United Kingdom is moving forward with a vote on a new bill that will legalise assisted dying for those diagnosed with terminal illness.

This is the culmination of a years-long political, media and entertainment industry wide campaign to normalise euthanasia in the UK's public mind.

In that time we have been told that assisted dying is good for people, good for the NHS and good for the environment.

The bill is expected to be formally introduced on 16 October, with the first debate to take place later this year, meaning the vote will likely be held in early 2025.

I would be stunned if it doesn't pass.

Here is my prediction for what happens next...

- For the first year or so it will just be an option, you won't hear much about it except in articles with headlines like "Assisted dying saved my parent/partner/child from years of pain".

- After a year or two a report will come out claiming success via some tortured invented statistical measure like "assisted dying boosts patient well being scores in surveyed NHS hospitals".

- Another will follow claiming waiting lists have improved due to decreased overcrowding in palliative care wards. They might even claim it's decreased the NHS's carbon footprint.

- Opinion pieces will appear with titles like "Assisted dying success story shuts down conspiracy theorists".

- The minimum age to be considered for assisted dying will gradually be lowered. And the list of diseases and conditions for which assisted dying is a "recommended treatment alternative" will expand.

- Eventually non-lethal diseases will be included, then psychological illnesses too. Then physical and mental disabilities.

- Then will come an "emergency" - a fake one, obviously - and the NHS will come out of it shining thanks to resources "freed up" by euthanasia programs.

- Next will come the editorials. "Assisted dying is good for patients and saved the NHS during [fake pandemic], it's time to make it mandatory".

- A backbench MP will introduce a bill forcing anyone diagnosed with a fatal illness to be put on an assisted dying list.

- The bill will fail, and most of the press will oppose it, but the government will issue "common sense" compromise regulations where assisted dying is the default, but patients can opt out of if they want.

- It will never actually BE mandatory. But it WILL be harder and harder to get out of. If you choose to opt-in and later try to change your mind, you will be said to be mentally incompetent....<<<Read More>>>...

Antarctica Turning Green Faster Than Expected, Scientists ‘Shocked’

 Everything is blamed on climate change these days. Antarctica wasn't always covered in ice; it was a fertile land at some time. Maybe the 1% are worried that with the ice melting, the 99% might start seeing what has been covered by the ice?


Parts of Antarctica are turning green at an unprecedented rate, leaving scientists stunned by the rapid effects of climate change in the region. 

According to a UK research team, the vegetation-covered area of the Antarctic Peninsula has expanded tenfold in just four decades. This vast 800-mile (1,300 km) stretch of the northernmost part of the continent is now increasingly vulnerable to invasive species as a result of these environmental changes.

Using satellite data, researchers from the universities of Exeter and Hertfordshire, along with the British Antarctic Survey, examined how much “greening” has occurred in response to rising temperatures....<<<Read More>>>...

Homeschooling Numbers Continue To Climb After COVID-19 Pandemic: Report

 New data from the Johns Hopkins Institute for Education Policy’s homeschool research lab show that 90 percent of states reporting data saw an increase in homeschooling in the 2023–2024 school year.

The report examined data from 21 out of 30 states that collect or report homeschool participation information. The other nine states are expected to report data in the coming months.

The 19 states that experienced growth were Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Only Vermont and New Hampshire showed a decline from the previous school year in the total number of homeschooled students.

The report identified two primary trends: sustained growth and rebounding growth. The three states with sustained growth, meaning they experienced no post-COVID-19 pandemic decline, were Louisiana, South Carolina, and South Dakota.

The other 16 states exhibited a rebounding trend, meaning they saw a post-COVID-19 pandemic decline, followed by an increase in 2023–2024....<<<Read More>>>...

Hurricane Helene: A case of state-sponsored murder

 Thousands of people are missing in the flood-ridden areas of Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee, and it may take a while to determine the actual number of people alive or dead.  Many people in the affected areas are currently without power, clean water, food, fuel, medicine and other essential supplies.

Many bridges are out, and people are stranded, with some areas only having one way in and one way out, making evacuation difficult.  The situation is described as “apocalyptic,” with bodies floating down the river and people having witnessed neighbours dying, leaving many in shock and traumatised.

There have been reports of children being found alone in the woods, with their parents nowhere to be found, suggesting that something may have happened to them.

Many people are still trapped, and there is no coordinated central location for information on missing people, with citizens taking to social media to share pictures and information about their loved ones.

Rescue missions are underway, but there have been reports of people being turned away from donating or volunteering, with some organisations only accepting approved donations. 

A civilian helicopter pilot was helping to rescue people stranded by the disaster but was threatened with arrest by authorities after landing to pick up an older couple who were waving for help. Many people in North Carolina have lost trust in relief organisations, believing they have been taken over by grifters and liars. Citizens are instead trying to help each other directly, only to be turned away or threatened with arrest by authorities.

The federal response to the disaster has been appalling, with President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris not making any public statements for four days and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”) not being present on the ground. 

And the Government’s response to the crisis has been slow. President Biden only approved a thousand soldiers on 2 October, days after the emergency declarations were made, even though the affected area is the size of Massachusetts. The initial emergency declarations only covered 11 counties, despite widespread devastation in up to 90 counties.

Naturally, questions are being asked as to what’s really happening.

The United States government has been able to manipulate the weather since World War II, with the ability to control and even weaponise the weather since the 1960s   to prove that the Government had the capability, in the 1970s, the US Congress introduced a bill to regulate weather manipulators, requiring registration and licensing for weather manipulation tools.

And suspicions that the Government is attacking its own people for gain using weather warfare is not unfounded.

After Hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans and the Gulf Coast in 2005, many people became rich as a result of the destruction, with 80% of the land in New Orleans being destroyed and purchased by property developers....<<<Read More>>>...

Western North Carolina has world’s richest lithium, purest quartz deposits: Is Hurricane Helene a land grab by DOD to steal these valuable resources?

Conspiracy theories are circulating the web about what really happened with Hurricane Helene and how it is allowing the federal government to seize valuable land underneath which are large deposits of valuable minerals.

Some analysts say there was unusual atmospheric activity during Helene's track that appears to have produced such a high voltage that something was able to "push" it towards the areas that got hit the hardest. The reason could have to do with all those valuable minerals.

"We have the richest deposit of lithium in North Carolina," reported 100percentfedup.com.

"We have a top producer of lithium, Albemarle, getting a $90 million contract from the Department of Defense to create a lithium mine. Guess who has 12 million shares of Albemarle? BlackRock."

Keep in mind that before Helene hit, many local residents were protesting against the creation of lithium mines in their area. Now, many of those same people's homes and livelihoods are destroyed and Albemarle and competitors like Piedmont Lithium, presumably, now have access to exactly what they want without the citizen protests.

Albemarle, by the way, received a $90 million grant from the DOD to advance its domestic mining operations – operations that locals throughout western North Carolina do not want in their now-destroyed backyards.

"Something doesn't smell right," 100percentfedup.com noted. "Are we seeing a similar tactic that was used in Hawaii for a land grab? Lahaina, Maui 2.0?" ...<<<Read More>>>...

Sunday 6 October 2024

Before the Fall: Evidence for a Golden Age

If you asked them what life was like in prehistoric times, most people would conjure up an image like the famous opening scenes of 2001: Space Odyssey – groups of hairy savages grunting and jumping around, foaming at the mouth with aggression as they bash each over the heads with sticks. We take it for granted that life was much harder then, a battle to survive, with everyone competing to find food, struggling against the elements, men fighting over women, and everyone dying young from disease or malnutrition.

A whole branch of “science” has grown up around this view of the human race’s early history. This is a relatively new discipline of evolutionary psychology, which tries to explain all of the negative sides of human nature as “adaptations” which early people developed because they had some survival value. Evolutionary psychologists explain traits like selfishness and aggression in these terms. Life was such a struggle that only the most selfish and aggressive people survived and passed on their genes. The people with gentle and peaceful genes would have died out, simply because they would have lost out in the survival battle.

Evolutionary psychologists see racism and war as “natural” too. It’s inevitable that different human groups should be hostile to one another, because once upon a time we were all living on the edge of starvation and fighting over limited resources. Any tendency to show sympathy for other groups would have reduced our own group’s survival chances.

But fortunately we don’t have to believe any of this crude nonsense. There is now a massive amount of archaeological and anthropological evidence which suggests this view of the human race’s past is completely false. Life for prehistoric human beings was far less bleak than we might imagine....<<<Read More>>>....

The fear porn is building again: ‘Covid’ ‘variant’ is spreading across Europe as doctor warns it could soon be the dominant strain of the ‘virus’ that doesn’t exist

 Its bollocks for sure. Variants of any alleged virus grow weaker and weaker over time ... and of course flu cases disappeared during the supposed pandemic ....


A new ‘stronger’ Covid variant, with cases reported around the world, is now spreading ‘quite rapidly’ across Europe as a doctor warns it could soon become the dominant strain of the virus.

The XEC strain was first detected in Germany in June but cases have since been reported in the UK, Ireland, France, Spain, the US and other countries – with 1,115 cases worldwide.

MailOnline’s map highlights all of the documented cases of the new XEC strain across Europe....<<<Read More>>>...

Are Our Minds Connected? Investigating the Science of Collective Consciousness

 What if our thoughts, like radio waves, are transmitted beyond our individual minds, creating a shared web of consciousness? Recent discoveries in neuroscience, quantum physics, and psychology are challenging the long-held notion that our minds are isolated, self-contained units.

Instead, evidence suggests that human consciousness may be interconnected in ways we’re only beginning to understand. The idea of collective consciousness, which has long been the domain of metaphysics and spirituality, is now finding a foothold in science.

From strange telepathic phenomena to groundbreaking scientific studies on quantum entanglement and the “multiples effect,” the idea that our thoughts could influence or even communicate with others at a distance is no longer just science fiction....<<<Read More>>>...

Participant speaks of the psychological manipulation and trauma experienced during the filming of BBC’s documentary ‘Unvaccinated’

 On 20 July 2022, BBC aired a documentary titled ‘Unvaccinated’. BBC had commissioned the documentary in which mathematician Professor Hannah Fry sought to “understand why a portion of the population remained unvaccinated against covid.” Or so the BBC claimed.

One of the people Prof. Fry interviewed was Nazarin Veronica, a young woman from London. “The manipulation I was going through [during the five days of filming] was just unreal. Not just me, everyone [who was unvaccinated],” she said.

A few days after BBC’s ‘Unvaccinated’ documentary aired, Nazarine Veronica and a fellow participant Vicky discussed the false pretext used by the BBC to get unvaccinated people to participate in its documentary with Mark Steyn, who at the time presented a show on GB News.

Despite BBC advertising the documentary as seeking to understand why people refused covid “vaccines” and portraying it as such to those who agreed to participate, Prof. Fry presented the documentary as it was to show the unvaccinated the error of their ways in refusing to be vaccinated.

As the Daily Mail reported just days before the documentary was aired, Veronica and Vicky were two of seven “anti-vax Britons” who were subjected to a “fascinating experiment” in which they spent “five days living together in a house – where they are bombarded with myth-busting scientific evidence about the vaccine.”

In short, a mathematician had been commissioned by the BBC to conduct a psychological experiment without the knowledge or consent of the participants who were lured into taking part with promises of allowing the public to hear their side of the argument. Furthermore, it seems Prof. Fry, a mathematician, took her psychological experiment too far....<<<Read More>>>...

Britain’s chief medical officer admits government “overstated” dangers of COVID-19, causing too many people to lock themselves in their homes

 Chief Medical Officer for England Sir Chris Whitty has admitted in an inquiry regarding the United Kingdom's response to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) that the government "overstated the dangers of COVID."

The COVID Inquiry was launched by former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in June 2022, noting that the government's actions during the pandemic need to be put "under the microscope."

During testimony before the COVID Inquiry, Whitty discussed how the government early on in the pandemic struggled to properly communicate the dangers associated with COVID-19. He claimed that the balance in communicating the correct "level of concern" to the public was "really hard."

"I was worried at the beginning. I still worry, actually in retrospect, about whether we got the level of concern right," said Whitty. "Were we either overpitching it so that people were incredibly afraid of something where in fact, their actuarial risk was low, or we were not pitching it enough and therefore people didn't realize the risk they were walking into."

"I think that balance is really hard, and arguably, some people would say we, if anything, overdid it, rather than under at the beginning," continued Whitty. "There's certainly a range of opinions on that."...<<<Read More>>>...

Saturday 5 October 2024

As Good As Your Word

 Ever since human beings could speak to one another, they have been making promises. Those who keep their promises are regarded as people of integrity. Those who don’t keep their promises are regarded as people who, at best, can’t be taken seriously and, at worst, can’t be trusted. Sometimes we forget how powerful our words are, and we use them haphazardly or unconsciously, creating expectations that are never fulfilled and leaving disappointment and distrust in our wake.

On an even deeper level, there are promises we may have made to ourselves that we don’t remember because they have slipped into our unconscious. An early heartache may have been followed by a promise never to trust love again. Without realizing it, we may be fulfilling that promise and wondering why our love life looks so grim. At an even deeper level, many people who recall past lives become aware that they made a promise lifetimes ago that they are still keeping. For example, a vow of poverty taken in a lifetime as a monk may be holding someone back from fulfilling their earning potential now. Upon realizing that we have made a promise that we no longer wish to be beholden to, we can perform a ritual of requesting release from that bond. In doing so, we clear ourselves of outmoded connections and patterns, returning ourselves to a clean slate. Then, we can resolve to remember that our word is sacred and to be very conscious of any promises we make to ourselves or to others.

We may ask to be released from any promises made to ourselves or others in our present, past, or future lives that are holding us back from fulfilling our greatest good. We may ask that love, light, and healing be sent to any souls who have suffered from our inability to be true to our word, including ourselves. We can ask for the wisdom to do our best and from this point forward to be true to our word, promising only what we truly intend to deliver. The resulting clear conscience and liberated energy will illustrate this truth: We are only as good as our word. (Daily OM)

£22 Billion on Carbon Capture? It’s Hard to Think of a More Stupid Waste of Public Money

 The Government has pledged nearly £22bn for carbon capture and storage projects in a move that has united sceptics and alarmists in condemnation of the expensive and unproven technology. BBC News has more.

The Government said the funding for two “carbon capture clusters” on Merseyside and Teesside, promised over the next 25 years, would create thousands of jobs, attract private investment and help the U.K. meet climate goals.

Sir Keir Starmer, who is to visiting the north-west of England with Chancellor Rachel Reeves and Energy Secretary Ed Miliband to confirm the projects, said the move would “reignite our industrial heartlands” and “kickstart growth”.

But some green campaigners have said the investment would “extend the life of planet-heating oil and gas production”.

Carbon capture and storage facilities aim to prevent carbon dioxide (CO2) produced from industrial processes and power stations from being released into the atmosphere.

Most of the CO2 produced is captured, transported, and then stored deep underground...<<<Read More>>>...

Quantum Experiment Uncovers Evidence of ‘Negative Time’

 Quantum mechanics is a field where normal rules don’t apply, and reality behaves in strange ways. Recently, quantum physicists made a new discovery that adds to the confusion: “negative time.”

In a study, not yet peer-reviewed, researchers say they observed photons (particles of light) behaving in a way that suggests time can move backward under certain conditions.

Here’s what happened: when photons were sent into a cloud of atoms, they seemed to leave the cloud before they even entered. It’s a puzzling phenomenon.

As explained by Josiah Sinclair from the University of Toronto, a “negative time delay” means that if you used a quantum clock to measure how long atoms stayed excited (a higher energy state), the clock would, in some cases, run backward. Sinclair wasn’t directly involved in the new study but contributed to earlier research.....<<<Read More>>>...

Proof that the covid-19 vaccine causes mental illness

There is now clear, indisputable evidence showing that the covid-19 vaccine causes mental (as well as physical) illness.

In a scientific paper entitled `Psychiatric adverse events following covid-19 vaccination: a population based cohort study in Seoul, South Korea’ the authors concluded that covid-19 vaccination “increased the risks of depression, anxiety, dissociation, stress-related and somatoform disorders and sleep disorders.”

The authors warned that “special cautions are necessary for administering additional covid-19 vaccinations to populations vulnerable to psychiatric adverse events.”

The study involved a randomly selected 50% of the population residing in Seoul, a total of 4,348,412 people (excluding those under 20 years of age), [2,027,353] were involved in the study which compared those who had been vaccinated with those who had not.

If you find me any scientific study performed by a vaccine manufacturer which involved over four million people I will eat my second best hat.

I repeat: any doctor or nurse still giving the covid-19 vaccine should be arrested and they should lose their licences to practice. The covid-19 vaccine does not do what it is intended to do but does cause a wide range of physical and mental disorders...<<<Read More>>>...

The common hidden theme for mass shootings, Pearl Harbor and 9/11 where tragic events are “allowed” to happen to justify bigger government power grabs

The big question is what’s next for U.S. defenses to ignore in order to set up for a massive gun grab, election postponement, Trump assassination attempt, or worse, a World War? It appears to be the most common underlying theme of nearly every mass tragedy on record the past few decades, where the people in charge of safe-guarding American lives completely drop the ball (whether through negligence or insidious planning) and allow psychopaths and terrorists to inflict significant damage without opposition.

We’ve seen this happen at school shootings, where the security is either suddenly non-existent or does nothing at all until the entire fiasco is over, and the shooter has killed dozens of people, often including himself at the end of it all. Even swat teams seem to “stand down” and are often given those orders from higher ups, including the FBI and local police.

Many insiders believe that top U.S. politicians knew in advance that Pearl Harbor was going to get bombed, but "stood down" and let it happen in order to justify starting the war, that enables the Military Industrial Complex to initiate their money-laundering cash cow enterprise.

Those horrific mass shootings are always coincidentally (not) followed by Democrat politicians screaming into a microphone that Americans MUST all turn over their semi-automatic guns to the government to save Americans from such violence. Someone needs to tell these dictators to “stand down” themselves.

We’ve witnessed massively tragic events, like 9/11, where known terrorists on watch lists somehow walked straight through security protocol at the airports, took over jumbo jets (with no U.S. marshals or cockpit security in place), and supposedly flew the planes perfectly into New York skyscrapers and the Pentagon. Conveniently for the U.S. government, there were NO VIDEOS of the plane flying into the Pentagon, even though there is a massive security infrastructure there in place 24/7/365. Talk about getting “stand down” orders...<<<Read More>>>...

Friday 4 October 2024

Breaking the Illusion of Self: The Role of the Default Mode Network

 The Default Mode Network (DMN) is a network of brain regions that becomes active when our minds are at rest, not focused on external tasks. This network includes the medial prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate cortex, and angular gyrus. The DMN is responsible for daydreaming, self-referential thoughts, and helping to construct our self-identity. Our ego-driven narratives, personal history, and future aspirations are woven together within this mental space.

While the DMN plays a crucial role in creating the narrative of “me” and “my life,” it also reinforces the illusion of a separate self. This illusion is the foundation upon which the ego builds its fortress, creating a sense of separation from the world and others. The DMN’s activity often leads to rumination, worry, and a constant inner dialogue that keeps us trapped in the mind’s web of thoughts.

In the context of self-realization, the DMN can be seen as both a tool and a hindrance. It helps us navigate the world by creating a cohesive sense of identity, but it also binds us to the false notion that we are nothing more than this collection of thoughts, memories, and desires. The DMN’s self-referential loop reinforces past experiences, projecting them onto future expectations and solidifying the belief that these mental constructs define who we are. This process often blinds us to the present moment, where the true self resides, and instead keeps us anchored in a limited, ego-centric perspective. Moreover, the DMN fosters the illusion of control, leading us to believe that we can somehow manage and predict our lives by clinging to these narratives. Yet, this illusion only deepens our sense of disconnection, as the true self is not found in the repetitive patterns of the mind but in the expansive awareness that exists beyond them....<<<Read More>>>...

The Battle for Free Speech in Ireland Is Far From Over

 The Irish Government has announced it is scrapping its plans to introduce significant updates to Ireland’s existing hate speech laws, as there is not enough support for the proposed legislation. Remarkably, the legislation had already passed the lower house of the Irish Parliament by an overwhelming margin (114 in favour, 10 against) in April 2023, but began to stall in the Senate as its more problematic features came to light. It had gained international notoriety when it came under fire from X’s CEO, Elon Musk.

Free speech advocates across the world should find solace in the fact that a regressive piece of legislation with dire implications for free speech, is now dead in the water, in spite of being a “sure thing” less than two years ago. This is a piece of legislation, after all, that had already comfortably passed in the lower house of Parliament, was supported by all major political parties, and was initially only resisted by a handful of journalists, politicians and political activists. The Irish Government had staked their reputation on the passage of this hate speech law, so they would not have withdrawn it at the last minute unless they had come under intense political pressure....<<<Read More>>>....

William Marrion Branham and Seven Predictions Before the End of the World

William Marrion Branham was born on April 6, 1909, in a modest log cabin in Burkesville, Kentucky. His early years were marked by hardship and struggle. His family lived in poverty, and his mother, Ella Harvey, reportedly descended from Native American ancestry, a detail Branham would later reference in his ministry.

Raised in a rural and deeply religious environment, Branham’s childhood experiences with nature and visions— which he claimed started at an early age—seemed to foreshadow his future as a religious leader.

He had barely learned to speak when he began to scare his parents with his strange stories. He said that he remembers the moment of his birth and that one day a beam of light “the size of a pillow” burst into his room, flew under the room around him, and then landed on his bed.

When he was three years old, he began to say that he heard messages from God, which is why other children began to consider him crazy and even relatives began to treat the boy with prejudice.

Branham experienced his first supernatural encounter at the age of seven, when he claimed to hear a voice instructing him that his life would be dedicated to a divine mission. This experience laid the foundation for what would become a lifelong belief that he was chosen as a prophet by God to lead a spiritual revival.

In his early 20s, Branham became more involved in religious life. After a near-death experience in 1933—an event where he claimed to have been visited by angels—he began preaching, initially as a Baptist, but soon gravitating toward the Pentecostal tradition due to its emphasis on spiritual gifts, including healing and prophecy. This set the stage for what would become a defining feature of his ministry...<<<Read More>>>....

Globalists target the US First Amendment as freedom of speech is obstructing their agenda

 The World Economic Forum held its ‘Sustainable Development Impact Meetings’ during last week’s United Nations General Assembly in New York City. Speaking at the meeting, far-left elitist and former presidential climate envoy John Kerry expressed frustration to fellow globalists, stating that the First Amendment frequently obstructs their agenda.

“Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of existence. What we need is to win … the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change,” Kerry said.

Kerry noted, “It’s very hard to govern today.”

We’ll translate “govern” for readers as it essentially means narration control (or official government-approved propaganda) – that is, through the censorship blob at federal government agencies in Washington, DC; the intel community, Silicon Valley’s big tech, fact-checkers, think tanks and legacy corporate media.

Kerry’s choice of words and tone shows that far-left radicals in the Obama-Biden-Harris team are frightened that their own misinformation and disinformation propaganda jammed through far-left corporate media outlets is no longer sticking as the citizens gravitate to the “free speech” X platform 9formerly Twitter) run by Elon Musk for their news in the pursuit of truth after being lied to for decades by their corrupt government and corporate overlords...<<<Read More>>>...

The COVID “vaccine” is an intentional effort at world genocide

 Never before have there been children, young adults, athletes in their prime, entertainers, dropping dead “cause unknown” following vaccination.

Of course, the cause is known. The leading doctors and medical scientists of our time–which excludes health agency bureaucrats, such as Fauci, who serve as marketing agents for Big Pharma and corrupt, politicized state medical boards and HMOs–have explained why and how the mRNA “vaccines,” which are not vaccines, kill, destroy the immune system, and cause health injuries. What is not known is why some die immediately after receiving the deadly substance, others a month later, and others remain, so far, alive. Some researchers think the content of the “vaccines” differed by lot, and some think some of the jabs were placebos for the purpose of producing an uninjured cadre to tout the safety of the jabs.

Professor Michel Chossudovsky has collected here — https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-covid-killer-vaccine-people-are-dying-all-over-the-world-its-a-criminal-undertaking/5800358 — a number of videos documenting the widespread sufferings and deaths of the vaccinated. It is not the unvaccinated who are “mysteriously” dropping dead all over the world. It is the vaccinated.

Yet the coverup continues. The western media–a collection of whores–are at work covering up for themselves as well as for Fauci, Biden, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, the FDA, NIH, CDC, and the utterly corrupt and irresponsible medical profession. Big Pharma and the FDA continue to push jabbing babies with the killer vaccine, and there are still parents so utterly stupid and insouciant that they participate in the murder of their own children.

With people all over the world so stupid and so blindly trusting of authority, we can see why the Satanic Bill Gates and Satanic Klaus Schwab are confident that they can succeed in reducing the world population and effecting their Great Reset.

What do I mean when I say Gates and Schwab are Satanic? Think about it this way. From time to time when discussing the subject, someone will say that people can be so awful they can understand why some would want to genocide them. I ask them if they would be willing to push the genocide button, and they say “no.” They understand that they have no right to cause people’s deaths in behalf of their opinion or a climate or ideological agenda. The difference between them and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab is that Gates and Schwab are willing and eager to push the genocide button. What is so horrifying is that this willingness has acquired a high moral position. Exterminating people has become the way to save the planet.

The perpetrators of this mass murder are confident that their crime is too huge to be recognized as such. Naive populations simply won’t believe that “their” governments would do this to them. No one wants to admit that they executed their own family members and their own children by blindly trusting “authorities” who had announced their genocide agenda in advance....<<<Read More>>>...

Thursday 3 October 2024

The Miracle of Water: The Yin & the Yang

We all have the experience of rejuvenation and joy on a vibrant spring day when the sap is rising in the plants and the tree buds are bursting with new life. Water is at the very heart of life creation. Sitting by a waterfall or on the rocks at the edge of the ocean on a sunny day, one can feel the energy of the water in our body. Water is closely linked to the emotions. There is a strong resonance of water with humans. Our ancestors were fascinated by its magic and there is a vast mythology linked to water.

Water carries all life. But water is beyond time, for it bears in its flow the seeds of future life, as well as the memory of past life. Water mediates between life and death, between being and not being, between health and sickness. We have lost touch with the magic of water, the freshness of the mountain spring, the reflection in a mountain lake, the mystery of the sacred well. We just take for granted that water will come at the turn of a tap.

We have allowed water to spread illness and disease. Much is spoken these days of the destructive nature of water. Such water is Nature on the rampage, perhaps showing who is boss, at a time when humanity has wrought so much reckless damage to Earth’s ecosystems and to the natural environment.

Our bodies are composed of about 70% water, a similar percentage to that of the ocean surface compared to land. Blood and sap are really variations of water. Earth is known as the planet of water; astronauts wondered at Earth’s blue, shimmering, watery aura seen from space. It seems as if water was intended for life; certainly life could not have come without it. Water is found throughout the Universe, though seldom as a liquid, which requires the relatively narrow temperature band which our Earth provides.

Without doubt water is the most important substance on Earth. It drives everything, from the most delicate metabolic processes in our bodies, to creating environments favourable to life, to weather patterns and climate change....<<<Read More>>>...

Excessive DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines presents "substantial risk" of cancer, say 52 scientists and academics

The Australian Government should immediately suspend the use of Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines due to accumulating evidence of high levels of synthetic DNA contamination in the shots, which present a "substantial risk" of genomic integration and long-term health impacts, including cancers, say leading scientists and academics.

In a letter to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Russell Broadbent, independent MP for the federal seat of Monash, said that "immediate action through a suspension of these products is critical to mitigate further risk", after independent testing of Australian vials of modified RNA (mod-RNA) Covid vaccines detected residual synthetic DNA at levels up to 145 above the legal limit.

The letter, circulated to all Australian MPs and Senators, is co-signed by 52 scientists and academics, many at the top of their fields, including Professor of Oncology Angus Dalgleish, Emeritus Professor Wendy Hoy, an expert in chronic disease, Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy, an immunologist who developed a bronchitis vaccine, geneticist Professor Alexandra Henrion Caude and microbiologist Professor Sucharit Bhakdi MD.

An accompanying science summary describes the concerns of Broadbent and co-signatories, who are asking the PM to adopt a "precautionary approach", with the recommendation that "the Minister for Agriculture initiate a Biosecurity Import Risk Analysis of these products, potentially leading to the suspension of these products due to the risks they pose to human health". 

 "Excessive synthetic foreign DNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles can integrate into human cells, potentially leading to genomic instability, cancers, immune system disruption and adverse hereditary effects," explains the summary, which details the results of independent testing of the vaccines to date...<<<Read More>>>...

Finding Deep Strength

 We have all faced moments in our lives when the pressure mounts beyond what we feel we can handle, and we find ourselves thinking that we do not have the strength to carry on. Sometimes we have just gotten through a major obstacle or illness only to find another one waiting for us the moment we finally catch our breath. Sometimes we endure one loss after another, wondering when we will get a break from life’s suffering. It does not seem fair or right that life should demand more of us when we feel we have given all we can, but this is the way life works.

When we look back on our lives, we can see that we have survived many trials and surmounted many obstacles, often to our own amazement. In each of those instances, we had to break through our beliefs about how much we could handle and go deeper into our hidden reserves. Think of it like a frozen lake: It appears impenetrable, but when we break through it, we find a deep reservoir. When we break through the thought that we don’t have more to give or to even fall back on, we can find a well of energy and inspiration trapped beneath. Sometimes we break through by cutting a hole in our resistance with our willpower, and sometimes we melt the ice with compassion for our predicament and ourselves. Either way, each time we break through, we reach a new understanding of the strength we store within ourselves.

When we find ourselves up against that barrier of thinking we cannot handle our situation, we may find that the kindest choice is to love ourselves and our resistance too. We can simply accept that we are overwhelmed, exhausted, and stretched and offer ourselves loving kindness and compassion. If we can extend the unconditional warmth of a mother’s love to ourselves, before we know it, the ice will begin to melt....<<<Read More>>>>..

UFO Sighting in Axutla, Puebla: Spiked Object Captured in Broad Daylight

 On September 29, 2024, a video (see below) from the town of Axutla in the Mixteca Poblana region of Puebla, Mexico, went viral, showing a strange object, believed to be a UFO, in broad daylight.

Captured on camera by locals, the footage, which lasts around 30 seconds, shows a mysterious circular object with spiked edges hovering in the clear sky.

The video first surfaced on the Facebook page “Axutla Agua que Brilla,” and quickly spread across social media worldwide....<<<Read More>>>..


The Sun, not CO2, drives the Earth’s climate, a new study says

 A report from the IPCC indicates that Earth’s warming trend is not caused by human-related activities but by changes in the planet’s albedo.

Ned Nikolov – a scientist specialising in climate, cosmology and astrophysics – and Karl Zeller – a climate scientist and Nikolov’s longtime research associate – argue that the IPCC’s data interpretation of the data is flawed and that atmospheric pressure plays a more significant role in global warming than greenhouse gases.

Nikolov and Zeller suggest that the IPCC has misrepresented, and potentially falsified, CERES, data on solar and long-wave radiation to fit the prevailing narrative of human-induced climate change, specifically by inverting trends in solar energy absorption.

Based on his analysis of NASA’s CERES data, Nikolov suggests that all global warming observed in the past 24 years can be attributed to increased solar energy absorption due to reduced cloud cover, not rising CO2 levels.

“This is not my theory,” Nikolov said. “It comes directly from satellite data that NASA has provided. It’s on their website.”

Zeller criticised the IPCC’s data interpretation, noting that their models present misleading trends by inverting the actual measurements, showing an increase in albedo....<<<Read More>>>...

Hospitals harvesting organs from donors who are STILL ALIVE

Dr. Heidi Klessig, M.D., appeared on Children's Health Defense (CHD) TV the other day to warn people that registering to be an organ donor puts them in danger of having their organs harvested from their bodies while they are still alive.

When registering to become an organ donor at the DMV, well-meaning people are told that they are "giving the gift of life," but Dr. Klessig says this is a complete misnomer based on what she knows about how the process really works.

"When you go to sign up to be an organ donor, you go to the Department of Motor Vehicles and you see the brightly-colored signs saying 'give the gift of life,' you're not offered a consent form," she explains in the video below.

"You're never told that when you become a brain-dead organ donor, you are not biologically dead. These people have a beating heart. Their lungs are working. Their digestive system works. Their kidneys work."

Because of how the word sounds, braindead can make it seem like a person is pretty much already dead and ready for their organs to be harvested and given to someone else in need. The truth, though, is that being braindead does not mean that a person is actually dead.

"People who have been declared braindead have delivered healthy babies," Dr. Klessig says. "These people are in no way dead." ...<<<Read More>>>...

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Teslas are spontaneously combusting in Hurricane Helene's wake

Teslas can catch fire if they are submerged in saltwater.

Over the weekend, Hurricane Helene ravaged the southeastern U.S., flooding areas in six states and killing almost 100 people. The flooding also brought saltwater into contact with electric vehicles — specifically Teslas — causing them to catch fire.

News reports from Florida show multiple Teslas that caught on fire when parked in garages or near beaches.

On Saturday , the Pinellas County government in Florida tweeted footage of a Tesla bursting into flames inside a garage alongside a request that county residents tell officials if they left an electric vehicle after evacuating. In the video, the garage fills with smoke as the car burns.

"If you evacuated and left an electric vehicle or golf cart in your garage or under a building and you are not able to get to it or move it, we want you to let us know,"...<<<Read More>>>..

New AI Refuses to Think Like a Human, Forms Its Own Understanding

 A new AI model from OpenAI, which uses a trial-and-error approach, has begun delivering surprising results on complex challenges. This method, previously seen in gaming AIs like AlphaGo, is now being adapted for a wider range of tasks, including language models.

DeepMind’s AlphaGo was the first AI to master a game without relying on human instructions or reading the rules. Instead, it used reinforcement learning (RL) to independently develop its understanding of Go.

This approach enabled AlphaGo to defeat the European Go champion 5-0 and later overcome the world’s top human player.

OpenAI’s latest model, o1, is producing remarkable outcomes on similarly complex problems. Like AlphaGo, o1 forms its own understanding of problem spaces through trial and error, without relying on human input....<<<Read More>>>...

mRNA “vaccines” are an intentional attempt at global genocide

 The mRNA covid “vaccines” are unsafe. By the end of 2022, it was evident that there was a rise in excess deaths among the vaccinated. Yet it has been covered up by health agencies and corporate media.

Medical scientists who warned about the dangers of the vaccine were censored and known cures for covid such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were suppressed – pharmacies refused to fill doctors’ prescriptions for these treatments.

What were the authorities’ motives? Was it a genocide agenda? Yes, but a lot of people simply can’t believe some people would push the genocide button, and take the moral high ground while doing it.

The world is faced with a monstrous criminal enterprise. Yet some people still don’t recognise it....<<<Read More>>>...

BLACK CUMIN SEED as God’s natural medicine

 Russians and Turks use whole black cumin for their breads, while Arabs mix it with honey as confectionery and sprinkle it on food just like pepper. Ethiopians add black cumin seeds to capsicum pepper sauces and sprinkle them on breads and cakes. In Europe, black cumin seeds are mixed with peppercorns while they are used in many drink mixes, pastries and recipes in Asia.

Malaysians use the oil of black cumin seed to treat headaches, nasal ulcers, rheumatism and inflammation of the male reproductive system. In Indonesia, black cumin seeds are added to astringent medicines for abdominal disorders.

Ethiopians also use black cumin seed for headaches by mixing it with melted butter, wrapping it in a cloth and sniffing it. Algerians also use black cumin by roasting it with butter for coughs and taking it with honey for colic.

In the Indian Ayurvedic medicine tradition, black cumin seeds are considered a purgative adjunct and antiparasitic treatment. In Lebanon, black cumin seed extract is used for liver ailments. Arabian women also use black cumin seeds to increase lactation – with medical studies attesting to the ability of black seed oil in increasing milk production in laboratory animals...<<<Read More>>>...