Further Reading

Monday 27 November 2006

Animal Medicine 1: Totem Animals For December 2006

The Nine Totem Animals
In Native American tradition, each and every person has nine power or totem animals which represent the medicine they carry in their earth walk. The totem animals represent a person's abilities, talents and challenges.

When a person enters into their earth walk, there are seven directions surrounding the physical body:-

EAST - Guide to greatest spiritual challenges & guards your path to illumination
SOUTH - Protector of the child within.
WEST - Leads to your personal truth & inner answers. Shows path to your goals.
NORTH - Wise counsel - reminds when to speak & when to listen.
ABOVE - Teaches how to honour the Great Star Nation. Guardian to dreamtime & personal access to other dimensions
BELOW - Teaches about inner earth and how to stay grounded & on the path.
WITHIN - Protector of sacred space & teaches how to be faithful to personal truths.

There is a totem animal for each of these seven directions. There to teach the lessons of these directions.

7 Totem Animals

EAST - Dog

Loyalty - Dog Medicine asks you to look at how readily your sense of loyalty is countermanded for your need for approval. 'Have I recently forgotten that I owe alliegance to my personal truth in life?'

SOUTH - Hawk

Messenger - Akin to Mercury, the messenge of the gods. Hawk medicine teaches to be observant and look around life's surroundings. Life is the initiation. The magic of life is being delived to you. A magic which can instill the power to overcome a currently stressful or difficult situation.

This totem is filled with responsibility, because Hawk people see the overall view. An awareness of omens; messages from spirit. No detail slips by unnoticed.

Be aware of signals in life. Hawk teaches to grab an opportunity which comes your way.

WEST - Frog

Cleansing - Frog energy is akin to water energy. Frog teaches to honour tears for they cleans the soul. All water rites belong to the frog, including all initiations by water.

Take a break and allow yourself to bathe in the waters of frog medicine. This could mean a long, relaxing bath to cleanse; to find a way to rid yourself of the distractions and to replace the mud with clear energy.

A Frog medicine person can clean negativity from any environment. Many of the world's seers use water on their hands when tapping into other realms of reality due to water's super-conductive nature.

NORTH - Dragonfly

Illusion - Dragonfly medicine is of dreamtime and the illusionary facade which we accept as reality. Dragonfly is the essence of the winds of change, the messages of wisdom & enlightenment, and the communications from the elemental world.

On a psychological level it may be time to break down the illusions you have held which restrict your actions or ideas.

Dragonfly medicine always beckons you to seek out the parts of your habits which you need to change. See how you apply the art of illusion to your present situation and remember that things are never completely as they seem.

ABOVE - Lizard

Lizard medicine is the shadow self of reality where dreams are reviewed before you decide to manifest them physically. Lizard is the medicine of dreamers.

Lizard impresses it is time to observe what is following along behind you - fears? Your future trying to catch up?

Lizard hints it is maybe time to pay attention to dreams and their symbols. Make a dream log and record all which you remember.

BELOW - Swan

Grace - Ushers in a time of altered states of awareness and of development of intuitive abilities. Swan medicine folk have the ability to see the future; to surrender to the power of the great swan and to accept the healing and transformation of their lives.

Swan medicine is telling you to accept your ability to know what lies ahead.

Within - Weasel

Stealth - Weasel has an incredible amount of energy & ingenuity, yet is a difficult totem to have. Weasel ears hear what is really being said. This is a great ability. Weasel eyes see beneath the surface of a situation to know the many ramifications of an event. This too is a rare gift.

If this totem is personal medicine then your powers of observation are keen.

Look to Weasel power to tell you the hidden reasons behind anything.