Further Reading

Saturday 4 November 2006

Because It is Written

The Book Of Grimoires is adamant ...
Repeatedly it writes about the great return
But ... it fails to point out the reasons ...
... or the role ...
... or the effects ...
It warns of a threat from out of the filament
One of the Qlippoth ...
A mighty force of vehemence
Latching onto the knight ...
. gripping via an ancient Geas
.. haunting like a ghost
... sapping the knight of life force ...
It foretells of but one solution
Before the knight seeps away into the abyss
And becomes devoured by the beast ...
The knight must return to the place it finds the most mystery
He must sit with his back to the world
Deliberately forcing existence to reject him
He must then betray himself
And permit his screams to echo into the dimensions ...
That way the geas can be lifted ...
And the light will shine anew ...
A light in the darkness once more
Summoning the comet to cross the sky
Amid a mighty storm which comes from nowhere
And it is also said that despite the risen serpent
The knight will fail to find an illicit mate
Many will notice the light shining
But none will comply
For the rejection to dampen his spirit ...
So ancient terms and conditions can be met ...
For the Qliptha ... most be triumphant
In those devastating moments ... before the very end
When all hope is lost ...
The knight will triumph ...

It is written the knight must absorb the Qliptha
He must battle with that fragment of himself
. becoming most extreme evil in that instance ...
.. to find that tortured sprite within himself ...
... so the knight shall be cast adrift on the high seas of madness
.... lost for many days ...
It will only be the rapture of sound which will rouse him
For it is said he is the key ...
He is the resonance which can devour all
And create stillness where there was polarity
He can see through illusion
And provide the opposite force to what faces him
... only he has forgotten
,,, thus the shard must be his final test ...
So he can rise into the light of eternity in triumph
Resting then in the human vales
Without the regret or the impatience
Or the purpose which is lost to he ...
The Book Of Grimoires is adamant it must be so
For already the knight must feel the string being pulled
Feel the force upon his form ...
And sense a presence ...
Looming closer ...
Thus is written
And because it is written
It has become into existence
Therefore it will be so ....
For that is the power of the grimoires ....
Its terrible presence down through the ages
In all the many forms which the scribe does so choose
It is constant in his creation
It is alive from the beginning to the end
Creating a consciousness for itself
A power to survive
Existing within the consciousness of that soul
Alive as he is alive ....
It saw it was written
Therefore it knew it was so ...
It knew then what was meant by life ... it is so ... it wrote ...