Further Reading

Tuesday 14 November 2006

Circles Of Ancient Power

Avebury Sunset
An illustration by Matthew James

Avebury, the most enigmatic, scenic and dramatic of the stone circles. Its sarcen stones but a hint of the majestic presence which once graced the ancient world. Avebury extremely powerful and enlightening ... but a subtle flame of magic and mysticism in truth. Only the most sensitive and aware feel its living spirit. A heart beat which still sustains the life force of Albion.

Oh avebury, sacred sarcens of light
I thank thee for keeping me calm amid this blackest night
Thy spirit is the guiding flame for me within this time
Thy wondrous voice I hear ... proof of the victor's crime
Slakeless is thy truth, record keeper of an ancient land
Sadly ... few remain who rightfully understand
... your testament

an illustration by Matthew James

Stonehenge, perhaps one of the greatest mysteries of them all. The sheer energy and presence of the circle has inspired mystics, poets and artists for centuries. Time spent within its awesome confines amplifies and purifies that which the seeker bears within naturally.

Somewhere in the collective memory the truth stands
Until that day when man understands
Stonehenge will remain the enigma of the age

an illustration by Matthew James

Castlerigg Stone Circle, a powerful circle of deceptiveness. Its stones dwarfed by the sheer scale of its brother stones of Stonehenge. Its location and its sheer brute power ... an awesome concoction of ancient power in this lazy world.

Castlerigg circle dweller amongst the fells
A place of hidden magic and dangerous spells
The place to weave and to experience ancient power