Further Reading

Saturday 4 November 2006

The Divide And Rule Software Game

You prey to your computer god
Give power away to a genetic CPU!
That is you ...the sheep in the fold
The majority here in this ‘reality’
Hooked on the lie known as ‘evolution’
You play all those computer games
And race round like bees in a hive ....
Without the realisation it is the reflection of you all
Your computer god mocks you
As it feasts on your fear ...
You make it stronger
You tighten your own noose harder
Because you are caught fast in its deadlights
It re-programs you as you do with your computer software
You are no different ... it is all the same
Your streets and towns and planes and trees ... are just the same
Holographic images within a computer generated reality
Your god is the CPU of that computer
And it is in so much fear of you ....
It generates politicians and army and police to suppress you
And you are so too far gone to ever realise .....
All the clues are around you to see
But you are too blind and too lost to care
I was once like you to see for myself
But since I was a ‘child’ I have been aware.
I am magi and clairvoyant in your world
But in truth I am effectively a computer programmer
I understand the genetic software ....
And I rewrite its circuitry to change the signals I receive
The DNA is the receiver and the transmitter
The way your god controls you and betrays you .... too
I read people’s futures with ease
I converse with the dead and with other existences
Levels of awareness beyond your own
Merely different parts of the same game
It is so simple when you realise
All which is around you ... which serves you and amuses you ...
Is a reflection of the greater ... all part of the hologram ...
What the computer god puts right in your face ... and makes you not see
Its method of control is simple ... I call it the ‘divide and rule software game’