Further Reading

Friday 17 November 2006

Make Or Break

Many thanks to Andromeda for arriving when she did and playing her part in the awakening first started with the arrival of Enoch when I was but a child

I have a recurrent recollection from nearly 20 years ago which has an over-riding bearing on my life. It's current trends. Who I am. What I'm meant to be doing. What I'm not doing.
The issue is an enigma. A frustration. Something which I am now powerless to resolve with my life in its current state. I was 24. I'd just been awakened from my state of the human somnambulist.

Awake but in a sleepwalk. A term I was given to mean waking to spiritual potential.

I was pointed in the direction of a psychic centre in my home town.
The female medium who owned and ran the club was a well known gypsy clairvoyant and local celebrity. I did not know this at the time. I joined her club and enrolled in her development group.

I was a raw talent. A wild card. A being of chaos. A threat and danger to all but she took me under her wing anyway.

She said to me once 'you've chosen a difficult time to come down. It's make or break for you. I'd had you predicted to me 12 months ago.' I hasten to add that over the eight or so years I was at the centre I had a torrid time. I was a pain in the butt for all with my wild magic. I was stubborn. Powerful. Wasteful. Arrogant and full of ego.

I left under a cloud of banishment and exile. I've not been back since.
The club closed about a year and a half before my exile. Her group was taken at her house. During the early days of the club it was a wonderful experience. I had a very close emotional relationship with one of the other members there. Too close. She was married. We misunderstood our energies and it nearly ended in disaster. There was sex, yes ... but not on this vibration.

I had a short friendship with a brilliant Medium there who unfortunately died of a heart attack about eight months after I met him. I was the last person ever to speak to him on the earth plane. He projected information into my poetry a few weeks before that told me of he knew of his imminent passing.
He and the centre owner often discussed me.

They argued on my behalf. He thought I was 'Bloodroyale' and she did not. Yet in the end after a number of very highly energised connections between me and her, she came to the conclusion I was. It only made matters worse.
The term Bloodroyale still enthralls me. I know of it yet I don't know of it. Search engines on the web have failed to give any explanation for the term. Yet I am intrigued by my obsession with Glastonbury, The Essenes, The Cathars, The TRUE Christ, The Holy Grail etc etc. My angle on this matter is more on a genetic DNA and spiritual link. Having analysed what the implications of what their conversations implied I understand the bloodroyale are the blue bloods - the dragons - the families of the serpent. Blood Royale implies being of the ancient 'Demi-God' status ... part god gene/part human gene. Part Anunnaki Human and Part Terran Human ... Making me a Changeling or Elf ..

This is where it gets shrouded in supposition. Where I can only speculate. But, I understand their are TWO blood lines ... the blue bloods currently in power and who control this world. These I KNOW to be masqueraders and imposters who grabbed power around the time of The Christ by installing Christ as the Sun God ... a blatant power shift thus grabbing the power away from the TRUE blood line. I know the biblical Christ to be a charlatan, a fraud, a false prophet. A political figure much like we have the governments today. A front puppet like George Bush or Tony Blair. They only do what they are told by a higher power - THE JESUIT ORDER at the Vatican. These are the black magicians ... the ancient evil ... those who stole the power from the true blood line. Now. The blood royale I realise are both lineages. This is the original myth of the battle between good and evil/white and black which has being going on for aeons. The Cathars and The Essenes were murdered in their thousands because they bore knowledge of the true lineage. Those in power today are the black families. The masqueraders. Their ceasing of power began when they were able to present Jesus Christ as the Saviour. His divine power is in truth a total sham. He was a political activist and a secret society member who was funded into power like the US President is today. The black magicians have worked on the story for centuries. Have destroyed all evidence of the truth of this time. Whether it was John The Baptist or Mary Magdalene who was the carrier of the other lineage, The white magicians is not important. But, that lineage has survived. It has not been destroyed despite all the efforts of the black magicians throughout the ages.

That DNA lineage is strong. It is powerful. It lurks in today's society. Many of its facets are oblivious to their heritage. Many are not. More now than ever have been woken from their state of sleeping and are realising their ancestors represent the defeated at the time of The Christ.
This is the enigma and the myth which surrounds the secret societies and The Holy Grail today. This is the mighty secret which the Jesuits are desperate to keep hidden. Within their own ranks and the ranks of the Freemasons and The Knights Templars and The Priory Of Sion and The Knights Of Malta are descendants of the white magi ... all of which are safely embedded in their positions and are doing their utmost to change events and to get the truth out. The Blood Royale and the make or break which concerns me is the efforts of the Universal Consciousness to outwit the black magicians and have the rightful royalty reinstalled as the spiritual power on this realm.

This is what I understand I am involved in somehow. My genetics I understand from my maternal side lead from France at the time of The Cathars. From my paternal side, the link is equally interesting. My father was a Scot. His ancestral family link with the Stewarts and hence the Knights Templar and the same genetic pool as my maternal side!

Therefore, I can only make one conclusion. I may not be pure dragon or serpent. But I have that lineage in my DNA. It's not possible to accurately trace my mother's side (the lineage which carries the genetics) as her own Grandfather was actually a Step-Grandfather. Prophetic or what? A means of protection I would access.

My DNA was activated at 24, no earlier ... when I was 5 or 6 ... as the serpent began rising at that age. Througout my life the kundalini has run riot. It was only at 24 when I became aware of its existence and I grappled with it to gain control.

For nearly 20 years that electrical madness has open all the channels and conduits within my endocrine system. Thus the dragon abilities have been activated within me. My abilities of physical mediumship, telepathy, ESP, mind control, clairvoyance, connection with other realms, alien visitations are all part and parcel of the dragon blood which is within me. Sometime soon I'm pretty certain something major will enfold in my life especially when the black magicians become fully aware of my existence. If they don't already.