Further Reading

Saturday 4 November 2006

New Eras Of Magic To Return

Many dimensions stand before me ... but the ways are closed
Ancient deceit and primeval malevolence have reduced the flames to ashes
What was is no more ... that which the legends speak of ...
The claims of the magicians before this invented time ...
No more ... those wonders will never return again.

Cast in stone ... material statues
Myth and legend ... mere stories now in the arena
Sadness for those who come along and wish to emulate
For it cannot be repeated with the way vibration and frequency are so low.

Many aeons before, I believe magicans could shift and reshape their form
They would transport themselves to other places ... they could be invisible
They could do all of these feats and more
But alas, no longer ... it is in the imagination now and nowhere else

Yet I see ... and I realise ...
The place we once journeyed in wonder ... in form
Perhaps they are the places we now see only in imagination
They were maybe once the worlds we inhabited.

Where the magicians could do those feats foretold in legends
We have been made to fall to where we are in the current reality
And the darkest minds responsible, willing us to forget even more
For we were the same as the ancient gods ... made from their DNA
We had the traits which they displayed ....
Which made us too powerful to contain ...
So over time ... those darkest minds have steadfastly taught us ... to be deceived.
And what we once more ... is said to be imagination now ... within this illusion we reside.

But, the tides are turning ... minds are awakening
Essences are lifting ... reaching out to those places
Those feats now possible within the mind ... in forms of light
Because the magicians of today are able now to leave behind this realm

To visit those places which have been hidden for too long
Truimphant ... they reach out to the rest of mankind in dreams
Opening the ways and the doors ... so the human internet can evolve
And regain back those shores which have been denied for too long ...

The message in dreams is victory ... is possibility
The dark minds are losing ... they are scared
They know discovery becomes manifestation in time
They cannot prevent the return ... as the legends awaken.
Mankind will regain back the reality ... new eras of magic to return
Dark and light to be in harmnony ... no longer extremes
All combined into one ... when those deviations are dissolved
When assumptions and propaganda have been resolved.

Written by Matthew James