Further Reading

Saturday 4 November 2006

Restoring The Balance

Hazy morning mists aimlessly wander across a gravel shore
The lap of the waves sound loud in the silence of the new day
Distant mountains hang in a dreamer’s sky
Their peaks disguised by summer heat haze ...

The cry of a Moorhen shatters the still
A pair of timid rabbits scurry ... petrified, they leave behind the shore
Into the tall grass fringe ...
Close by the gnarled weathered roots of the ancient Oak
A resting place for countless travellers along the shore
Their passage evident with the glossy sheen of the roots
A young child sits ... beside the roots ... with his eyes fixed into space
Gazing into an inner place ... oblivious to the world around
A beaming smile on his face ... his heart pounding wildly ...

On a thermal high above the child ... a sea gull rises
Across the lake ... towards the mountains ... hunts the Hawk
Alerted by powerful forces abroad in the earth
Unease crosses the lake ... few will venture to the far end of the shore ...

In a distant town a Mage is scything ... here face shifting alarmingly
Liquid voices screaming in her mind ... ‘’danger - there is danger abroad’
The face of an old man manifests behind her in the instance
And a clammy hand closes around her neck ....

Out in the deep ocean a tsunami forms following a sudden tremor
Its powerful wave crashing across an uninhabited archipelago ....
Its presence undetected by human technology ...
The tremors sending shockwaves along a fault line to more significant places

In a nearby town to the lake ... a young housewife ends her sorry life
Two swift slashes across her wrists with Sheffield Steel
And her unseeing eyes are there to meet her husband later ...
His screams cries an echo of the young child’s screams at the lake ...

The wondrous winged faerie like being his eyes had so keenly been watching
Turned to a dark, evil bat like creature in the blink of an eye
The child’s life blood taken even before he could utter his final cry
His pale, translucent pathetic body found later .... beside the roots of the tree.

In the marsh he sits, the Merlin ... contemplating his stones
A casting to summon the ancient forces ...
For chaos reaped madness in his life ... he felt the bite of the sword
As the Reaper demanded forfeit of his life ...
He was fortunate ... a misplaced foothold ... a tree held when he fell
A few bruises and cuts ... the only damage his wounded pride
But, during his time high above the shore ... he felt the unease ...
He read the signs in the surroundings ... his inner pagan was alerted ...

Within necessary time, within a desert shore ice will bring end to a cycle
For that which is hidden deep within the ice locked shore
Must be found in sight of the highest mountain of concern
It is eventual ... it is necessary ... it cannot be avoided.
Some secrets have to be revealed.

With ease, the learned one shall reach below into those hidden depths
And the mystery will be known ...
Fresh blooms ... shall grow within that icy field ...
And the end comes swiftly ... without warning

But, know it shall be the releasing of burden from friend to friend
In bloom, the healthy shoots grow to full maturity

And ... the ice fields melt to reveal a forgotten shore
From within those deepest places ... the shining man will appear
But shall be venomous towards the religion made in his name ...
In defiance ... in an attempt to re-balance the shifting polarities
Know nature will send down incessant rain
Days spent then within a sanctuary ... watching the outside ...
Trapped ... willing the sun to shine ...
But know the delay, shall be so necessary ... so needful ...

There is no evil ... only polarity ... all energy has no intention
It is cast into magick by the thinking of the Mage
Know the master reads the shores around him ...
And uses the opposite to that which is out of control

Thus as a result of his casting ... waves of compulsion ride the shore
Changes happen ... death will be afoot in those lands ...
In answer to the compelling on the voice of the wind ...
Be aware of this mechanism ... separate and do not play a part
Be observer ... rejoice for the land ... there is a harmonising undertaking
As forces balance that which has been knocked out of sync ...
It is as it is meant ... rise above the human and see from another viewpoint
Be archangel to the land and rejoice ... instead ...

In desperation to find a lover ... in loneliness ... in defiance of his soliloquy
He drew the pentagram on the wooden floor ... he placed the symbols
But carelessly disregarded the mechanism and put them in the wrong order
He uttered the words of the ritual and cried out to the gods his intention ...

Send me the woman I desire
Send me the temptress of the flesh who will quell my fire
Send to me guilt and lust
And permit me to bleed dry those evils in my soul
To re-cleanse me for when my soul mate will be found
So I will be the perfect man for her ....

In the night she came .... the Succubus ...
Made with the appearance of the one he desired
But this was no soul of the flesh
This was an apostate made from his deepest fears
Sent to feast on his lonely soul
Bleeding him until he was empty
Taking him again and again ...
Until his life was expelled ...

Then it ceased
The blight was over
The visions received by the visionaries came to an end
The land returned back to its hazy wonder
Summer passing to autumn to cold winter
The creatures of the land ... of the hedgerow ... of the lake ... again safe
For the shadow which was on the land ... dissolved
And the spell of the Master forgotten ...
The balance was restored ....
Again ...