Further Reading

Saturday 9 December 2006

Blood Of The Sidhe

Power ... written in the sway of the trees

Power ... in the lapping waves on the lake's shore
Power ... in the call of the creatures of the hedgerows
Power ... seen in the eyes of the people who wander the village.

The smell of fear in every word, in every breath, in every waking day
Rumours spread in the lands beyond the isle were rife,
The purge of the ancients had returned ... tides were turning
A strange spectre had been seen to stalk the land ... and ...
Where so ever it passed ... nothing would ever be the same again.

And the accursed voice of the church ... the growing threat in the land
Decreed the isle as a place of the dead .... the presence that of great evil
Missionaries were rumoured to have been sent to cleanse the soil
For everything had changed since that night ...

But to the wise ones of the isle ...
It had been expected
For it had been written long ago
An Elder race would return to their home.

As one of they ... born human, but part Sidhe
Would be born into his power
Thus remembering his heritage

Then would come the night ... that night
A special night when all the stars would be aligned ...
He ... would be the key ... thus opening the door
A door to the other worlds ... returning his kin.

For the elders knew truly they too were born with blood the same
All descendants of a long forgotten race ... no written records existed
The purging of the land ... the growing power of the church
Ensured the true history of the land was lost

And the elders of the isle chose to remain in silence
Feeling the change in the earth around them ... refusing to counsel
Magnifying thus the fear in the villagers and the surrounding lands
Unable to change the course of the fate which unfolded

Summoning thus the one to return to the isle ...
For he ... it was once written ... was the source of power
Foretold in songs and folklore protected by the order
White dragon and red dragon combined ...
The chosen of the land ...
... mysterious presence walking the night
... changeling ...
... phantom ...
... power wielder ...
... feared by the church and deemed a demon ...