Further Reading

Thursday 7 December 2006

Looking Ahead: Rune Forecast For March 2007

  1. LAGU
  3. EOLH
  4. UR

Using the Celtic Cross Spread.

Lagu is the central rune. The hub of the spread and the theme for the month. Emotional tides. Fluidity and natural flow. New patterns of thinking and motion. Indicative of new found sensitivity and a new level of understanding.

Kennaz the fire brand lights the way. It is the fire of enthusiasm and a reminder of commitments made and plans for the future. With Kennaz lighting the way, there can be no darkness. Nothing sculking in the shadows as there are no corners for the unknown to hide. Motivation an determination.

Eolh is Elksedge, the rune of protection for warriors going into battle. It provides the energy and strength to summount the difficlult obstacles presented by the unknown. It guards against the effects of negative emotions in its position at the bottom of the celtic cross. It is a ward and a boon for the warrior who is establishing himself well on the battle field. Eolh gives the warrior the strength to succeed and to overcome anything standing in his way. Denotes a fairly torrid time with many challenges and concerns. However Eolh will permit the warrior to succeed in all challenges.

Peorth in its position in the spread it denotes that which is brought from the past and represents the gambles taken to get to this point. The warrior has regrets and short failings but with a mind on what was in the past, the warrior can instill new found confidence in himself. Peorth shows that the gamble has paid off, and that new opportunities are around the corner.

UR the final rune, in the furthest point to the right on the spread, therefore represents the future to come. It is the rune of potential and further success. But success which has to be earned by the warrior. The potential is well within the capabilities of the warrior. UR represents the energetics of the warrior to put the past behind him and continue with the new found steady progress.
