Further Reading

Thursday 21 December 2006

Parallel Parts

Clues In The Sand Part 2

ONE - 2006
And … the footprints led to here
Primeval beginnings and mortal fear
Forgotten arrival and previous campaigns erased
Force fed lies of separation and no life after ‘death’
But … this spirit rebels … and this spirit reads the clues
Discontented with merely surviving … forced brainwashing into ignorance
A rebel … a maverick … receiver of intuitions demands …
Traveller thus into the inner worlds … magic weaves and unravels …
Each step taken … journeys deeper and deeper into the unknown
Life manifesting as tasks becoming harder and harder …
Mortal life … so difficult to survive …

TWO – Forgotten Age
So hard to put into words
As I focus on the candle’s flame
Through its glare I witness another world
Another time … another face ….
Another name … yet the same spirit is me.

Within our shared awareness
We perceive this all to be a game
My master … my god … that which I serve
Our spirit … that which pulls both our strings

This land in which I exist
So much different to what the other perceives
This land part of the past in his future time
Yet … we both comprehend there is no time at all

We exist on parallel planes
As magi we can commune and interact
Yet … history dictates a different truth
A reality built on distortions and falsehoods

This land I now call home
Fertile not barren … grasslands not desert
The dynasty of Khem in which I reside
Not recorded in the histories of the future Egypt lands

The race of which I am born … perceived as gods
Seen as immortal in the future times
Yet … I exist here in the same thought formed body
The flesh and blood identical to he in my future time

We even appear the same
I perceive we even think the same
With identical perceptions and desires
Yet … I know I have mastered more readily the seventeen fears ….

Thus … he still grapples with the concept of good and evil
Permitting weakness for the archetypes to gain advantage over
Yet I … summon either black or white as I see the need
Thus … it is my intention to aid his succession over these fears

I end thus the initiation which defeats him
I grant thus the magic to balance the struggle
I aid him thus to pull to him what he truly requires
Enabling thus our intended incarnation to be a success
Riches if that is his desire
Fulfilment and spiritual understanding
The comprehension of who and what we are
The communion with my master… our spirit … to realise just who and what he is!