Further Reading

Wednesday 27 December 2006

Two Into One

Before him stands the Dragon …
Piercing eyes are upon him
He cowers in the corner of the cave
Seeking escape as it moves closer and closer
Pearls of cold sweat break out on his flesh
As the leaden weight of dread fills his stomach …

His hand grips tight his sword, ready to lift the power
And release its incandescence into the world
As the veil is lifted and he sees the wisdom as it really is …

The first light of dawn filters through into the chasm
From the world beyond
The sound of the cascade reverberates …
Crystal cool waters lie behind him along a familiar passageway …

He could turn and run that way …
Give himself time to reason
And summon eternity accordingly
Or he could face the reminder which stands before him

A demon in the form of a man
The dragon
Fire in its veins
The ancient wisdom of the serpent there for the taking

A giant spectre of doom
Its golden hair captured in the sunlight which percolates into the gloom
Iridescent slits of purpose focus on him
Telepathic impressions hit his mind
He must decide!

He grips the hilt … the sword … his source of power
Incants the ancient names
Shifts his consciousness to adapt the ancient weights
As the codes of primeval power circulate through his being

And as he witnesses the rods of light manifest
… the lines of the web as they are sighted by his lifting awareness
The dragon appears to defy the reality losing its lucidity
Translucency gives way to shifting forms
A kaleidoscope of forms appear before him in those moments

Gossamer fibres of thought energetics itch his skin
He knows the same shifting occurs with him
As his consciousness struggles to cope with the lifting frequencies
Until …

Until the cavern is no more
Around him a temple of stones stands in clandestine silence
Blazing torches stand on the outside of the sacred place
And the dragon … it bows to his magic
For both know then with one mind … they are truly the same being

The dragon … and the knight
Are one and the same
Deceit has separated the consciousness over time
Providing the knight with mortal fear
Giving the dragon a false sense of evil
A perverse desire to attack the opposite ..
A primeval need to defend against inherent evil ….

In that ancient inner place
The two become one
Merging into the form of the pauper
Ancient mage in the youthful guise

Hiding their blood line … their potential from the world
Joined in purpose and intention
Their time to strike at the deceiver shall come
For the children of the one undoubtedly must prevail

The ancient dominion of them by their blackest thoughts …
The soulless ones born from the game must come be overcome
Their control ... their vice grip ... on this game must come to an end
So those born beyond, trapped in this program, can finally escape ….

Thus the One must realise ... waken ... rise up ...
And combine their angels with their demons
In order for stillness to prevail
For dominion is orchestrated by the creation of illusory opposites ...
Needless polarities ...
Splicing the one into supposed two separated parts ...

Written by Matthew James 28th December 2006