Further Reading

Wednesday 3 January 2007

Back To The Forgotten


And the mists clear …
The snow melts on the tarmacadam roadway before him
The hedgerows cleared of the throttling weeds …
… dissolving the frost that clings … which had killed the creatures there
Benevolent hands unseen had worked their magic … for sure …

In the meadows vibrant grasses shift in the warm breeze
Healthy Oaks, Pines, Ash & Beech stand proud …
… a magical tree line above which a pastel sky hangs
And there … on the wing … the Hawk hovers …
Perfect talisman for the eyes which seek the sign …

Omen appear perfect
As a wren breaks from the cover of the hedgerow
And flits across the roadway ….
A Dormouse stands close by unperturbed by the presence
Aware perhaps that energies have once more been aligned …

He senses the call of bells distant on the air
A sense of playfulness … then the sight of a orb of blue
Ahead … hanging in the air … awaiting his passage
The bells more insistent then …

Assuming then the wolven form from long ago
He bounds confidentially along the roadway
His altered awareness seeing more than he did before
Wondrous colours dance …
Forgotten doorways lie open
Boundless possibilities hang in the air
… and worlds denied to mortal man stand there awaiting discovery …


His consciousness expands
His thoughts become as one with the world around him
Strands of the infinite web glimmer around his form
As he bounds towards the waiting brethren
And the destiny which had been denied for so long ….

The glorious road glimmers ahead of him
With pangs of regret he spies the lights and forms of home
In his mind he knows it is not yet his time
But is sure the threshold he now crosses leads to that realm
As the wolf he stops and glances back at the known world
Seeing all as it was for one last time


Then permits the magic to lift him into the air
Onto now visible fibres of the web he now lifts
A chosen thread transports him now into the other worlds
And the waiting throng who stand there to greet him


Humanoid visages but not human
Alien yet more human than the mortal world
Telepathic understanding courses through him
As forgotten wisdom fuses with his mortal perceptions

He gains back that which had been hidden
Recovering thoughts he bore in the moments before the fall
Images of who and what and why
Then the form of the Wolf is shed
And he shimmers in that wondrous light
Becoming the changeling once more ….
Part mortal … part alien
The fusing of the races …
The hybrid of white and dark
The stillness between the poles ….

With him and others like him there is hope
The chance for stillness to calm the storm
Merging the delusions of mortal deception into one
Clearing the moss from the path
So the created race of man can be …
So it can attain what its genetics demand
A new race amongst the stars
That which the creator intended …
For the time of slavery must draw to a close
And the dream race leave the orb
For a chance to exist beyond those restraints …