Further Reading

Monday 15 January 2007


The apparent power to perceive things that are not present to the senses.

Clairvoyance is defined as a form of extra-sensory perception that it is claimed allows a person to perceive distant objects, persons, or events, including "seeing" through opaque objects and the detection of types of energy not normally perceptible to humans (i.e. radio waves). Typically, such perception is reported in visual terms, but may also include auditory impressions (sometimes called clairaudience) or kinesthetic impressions.

Clairvoyance is "clear seeing" of divinatory information. Parapsychologist generally regard as a form of extrasensory perception.

A paranormal mode of perception, which results in a visual image being presented to the conscious mind. The perception may be of objects orscenes, or forms distant in space, or in time, past or future.

A faculty of seeing with the inner eye or spiritual sight. As now used, it is a loose and flippant term, embracing under its meaning both a happy guess due to natural shrewdness or intuition, and also that faculty which was so remarkably exercised by Jacob Boehme and Swedenborg. Yet even these two great seers, since they could never rise superior to the general spirit of the Jewish Bible and Sectarian teachings, have sadly confused what they saw, and fallen far short of true clairvoyance.

1. the ability to perceive things that are not in sight or that cannot be seen. 2. keen perception or insight.

The paranormal ability to see psychic information, including historical or future events or other phenomena, that cannot be discerned naturally through the five material senses. Also called ESP.

The perception of objects, events or people that may not be discerned through the normal senses. Clairvoyance, or "clear seeing" is a common psychic experience. This seeing may manifest in internal or external visions, or a sensing of images.

is keenness of mental perception, clearness of insight into things concealed from or beyond range of ordinary perception; see "Seeing and Hearing.

The observation of objects or events concealed from or outside the normal range of the ordinary physical senses.

literally means "clear-seeing" and is a term describing the ability of an individual to sense messages or visions using means other than the five known human senses.

"Clear Seeing" - the ability to psychically obtain visions and hence supposedly reliable information. The actual method used might be similar to Astral Projection, or the seer may experience an array of mental images without any sensation of being out of the body (eg Skrying). Clairvoyance is used by numerous magical orders in order to investigate, for example, magical symbols, or to supposedly contact the dead ), or to view real-life locations ("Remote Viewing").

Is the ability to see an image or images from a different realm in one’s mind using the third eye. ESP is a form of clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is often referred to as “the sixth sense”

Either an internal or external vision of present or future events, spirits, objects, places, and people.

The paranormal capacity to obtain information on objects or events that is unknown to others. Also called the Second Sight.

Divination through seeing the future. Clairvoyance specifically refers to the visual image of future events, but other forms of "seeing" the future are commonly called clairvoyance

The alleged ability to see things or events such as the future or things at great distances that cannot normally be perceived by the senses unaided. There are other types of special abilities: 'Clairaudience' which is the ability to hear things that cannot normally be perceived by the senses unaided, and 'clairsentient' which is the ability to experience other people's sensation or feeling.

Seeing in your mind’s eye events or objects from the spirit world

1.A psychic vision of people, events, objects that are not visible through normal sight. 2. Clairvoyance is an extrasensory perception dealing with the past.

Knowledge of external objects or events without the use of the physical senses.

1. the paranormal power of seeing objects or actions beyond the range of natural vision. 2. quick, intuitive knowledge of things and people; sagacity.
Clairvoyance is French for 'Clear Seeing'. It is a word that refers to the ability to perceive people and objects that cannot otherwise be discerned via the normal senses. Many Mediums use Clairvoyance when contacting the deceased, it can enable them to visually perceive a Spirit.

Seeing through inner vision ..........


In my own experiences clairvoyance is the perception which permits humans to realise there is more to mortal existence than what is presented by the five senses. Clairvoyance is a link to the higher levels of awareness and the ability to interface this awareness into our mortal level of consciousness.