Further Reading

Friday 23 February 2007


There are minds on planet earth who insist that we have but one life. That the human race is but a cosmic accident. That all of mankind are sinners. Are we truly meant also to believe that we incarnate merely to pay back our sinful crimes? Minds also insist that there is no other life out there. But consider this......Scientists admit to there being a MINIMUM of a trillion, trillion, trillion suns out there in the galaxy. If each sun sustains thus the same number of planets as ours, then multiply that might number by the number nine, and that is the total minimum number of planetry worlds.

Thus are we truly meant to believe that our planet is the ONLY one to sustain life....IMPOSSIBLE.

These minds also insist that reincarnation and the after life do not exist. That it is impossible to talk with the dead. But scientists agree that energy is an eternal thing. That we are made of energy. Thus, what happens to our energy when we die?

Energy is a perpetual thing.

These minds dismiss clairvoyance & channelled thoughts, as being merely imagination. I agree it is imagination. Because imagination is truly the way forward. Imagination is the door way to the planes of truth. Imagination the 'pigeon hole' world for anything and everything which the scientist cannot explain, or is in opposition to the manipulation that controls mankind.

These minds say all can be explained by chemicals released in our brains. Scientists who do you think you are fooling. You are frightened children. You know the truth but you are afraid to admit. For by admitting, thy theories that controlled our world would be proven wrong. Thus, your reign of power would be over. That is the actual truth......

There are minds that would also have us believe their deceptions about god. These minds have ruled our planet through fear. These minds are collectively called THE CHURCH. Whatever faction, whatever belief...the method is just the same. A mind emerges that has received a channelled instruction from god. Cruelty and killings follow. The mind decreeing that god wishes for mankind to be enslaved and persecuted.

Does that truly sound like god?

NO...Human gods down through the ages, who enslave and persecute, have been nothing more than negative beings of space, who have had the desire for power. Thus, they made themselves out as our 'gods'.

Listen, you manipulative minds. Those of mankind who use fear still to dominate, know the time of the actual truths has come. Thy reign of power is over. The darkness leaves now the earth behind. As shall the evil.