Further Reading

Saturday 24 February 2007

BioWaves Sound Therapy

BioWaves Sound Therapy is a new alternative therapy which is researching the effects of low frequency sound and vibration on human health and wellness. Researchers who have studied the effects of frequency, sound, light, color, and vibration include Royal Rife with his Rife Frequencies, Abhram's Multiple Wave Oscillator, Robert Monroe with audio binaural beats, Dr. Hans Jenny and Dr. Guy Manners with their work on Cymatics, Vladimir Gavreau's sonic weapons using infrasound, and Tomatis who associates learning ability with listening ability and clear hearing. The list is endless since frequency research is a fundamental to most every subject.

Sound Therapy is a new exciting field with the potential to completely shift our heath care paradigms. It offers a simple technique to get very detailed holographic information about the body, and is boundless in its potential ramifications.

The Effects of Sound
The effects of sound are apparent in our every day life... For example, we experience the energizing effect of sound and music every time we hear music with a heavy beat. Just think of the last time you heard a favorite dance hit and couldn't help but to start dancing along.
For example, the Bulgarian Psychiatrist, Gorgi Lazanoff was able to show an increased capacity for learning, super learning, if you will, by playing Baroque music (1700's Bach, Vivaldi, Telemon, Handle) and having his students breathe in rhythm with the beat. It all goes to show that sound and music can have a profound effect on our health, and well being, not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally as well.

We know the power of sound and music and that the voice changes with emotional states or illness. Our health or mood can be strongly affected by music, toning, chanting, and singing. Just think back to the last time a sick or distraught friend called and remember how their voice was different than normal. Sound research supports this.

Patterns of Frequency
In the growing field of "energy medicine" it is well known that our universe is created through patterns of frequency. Science is now documenting what mystics of many traditions have known forever. Everything that exists in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realms does so on a vibratory basis. This is obvious if you consider that electrons are always moving and vibrating.
All healing interventions must influence the body by somehow altering its frequency resonance. Healing has often been affected by such modalities as sound, light, music therapy and various other energy medicine techniques that alter the frequency patterns of an individual.
All matter, including herbs, pharmaceuticals, and even food with its accompanying vitamins, minerals and other nutrients could be examined from a frequency perspective which may explain their biological effects. Bio-Resonance Therapy is researching these principles of energy medicine.

The Voice
In a similar way, the voice, which we analyze with a computer, is a great indicator of vitality. The voice is one of the most powerful avenues of human expression and as such, provides a very useful analog for the systems of the body. According to Dr. Alfred Tomatis, among others, the voice is not able to reproduce what the ear cannot hear. Perhaps the ear cannot hear what the brain cannot generate. There is evidence that the brain, in addition to being a master chemist, is a very complex tone generator and commands the systems of the body through frequency.
The brain produces waveform patterns that can be measured with a variety of instruments. The voice also produces a waveform pattern that contains a great deal of frequency information that seems to relate to the physical and emotional health and balance of the speaker. Since every person's voice is unique, the resulting frequency voice analysis map when recorded and analyzed with
The Sound Assistant™ software, may show indications of physical and/or emotional issues at the time of the recording.

Bio-Resonance Frequency Therapy
The audio waveform is analyzed for frequencies in stress which are then compared to our experimental frequency assignments of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, bones, muscles and all manner of substances, including drugs and toxins.
Once these frequencies in stress are identified, Bio-Resonance Therapy utilizes low frequency waveforms generated with a small, "walkman" style tonebox and delivered through headphones, sub-woofer or a vibration transducer. Each tonebox can be programmed for up to 12 tracks, with up to 4 very accurate frequencies on each track. These low frequency waveforms are non-invasively delivered to the body, often resulting in immediate remarkable changes.

Bio-Resonance Frequency Therapy analyzes a recording of the voice to look for clues of nutritional imbalances, or indicators of disease stress and illness. Our research indicates that these low frequency waveforms seem to activate vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other biologic substances, and show promise at being able to detoxify frequencies that correlate with dangerous substances which may be prominent in the voice analysis.

Read More: http://www.biowaves.com/