Further Reading

Thursday 15 February 2007

Breathing Methods

Here follows that which is a necessity in all magical arts, that which must be respected and taken seriously. That which provides a direct passage to the centering of the mind and thus the connection with the soul.

The majority of mankind rarely breath correctly, only partly filling the lungs. These methods enable correct breathing and full usage of the lungs. Deep breathing should lift the rib cage and the abdomen and leaves the shoulders still. Correct breathing will lead initially to lightheadness as the mind receives the correct amount of oxygen for the FIRST time. This will be an initial experience which will soon pass, but should not reoccur more than once or twice, as the body adjusts.

ALL THESE TECHNIQUES MUST BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. They will activate THE CHAKRAS (the centres of living energies within the subtle energy fields of the body). If performed wrongly resultant physical conditions could manifest, particularly if a blockage exists. The majority of physical illnesses can be explained by chakra disfunction. Medical science deals with the effect (the illness) and does not deal with the cause, which always manifests in the subtle bodies. Correct breathing minimises the risk of physical illnesses, promotes well being and centred thought patterns. To become magically minded (the magic is simple -it is life and creation) one must breathe correctly.

’THE BREATH OF FIRE’ technique is a powerful way of awakening the KUNDALINI which is the serpent power that lies dormant within the BASE CHAKRA, like a flintstone that lights a gas flame. This technique MUST NOT BE performed by anyone who suffers from HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE or any HEART RELATED ILLNESSES. Neither should it be practised on a full stomach.

Yogic Breathing

Inhale deeply. Let the air fill the abdomen. Let the air fill the chest area. Then allow the air to move into the throat and the nasal passages. Exhale. On exhalation, empty nasal passages, then the chest, and then finally the abdomen. Repeat five times.

Psychic Breathing

Close The Glottis situated at the back of the throat. Breathe deeply and softly. This will produce a slight snoring sound. Repeat five times.

The Breathe Of Fire

Sit straight with hands on knees. Relax and adopt Method 1 until fully relaxed. Next, place right finger on forehead with middle fingers between the eyes. Place thumb on right nostril and ring finger beside left nostril. Close right nostril with thumb. Breathe rapidly and rhythmically through the left nostril 20 TIMES, expanding and contracting abdomen. Close both nostrils and exhale deeply. Contract muscles of perineum (situated between anus and genital organs), while exhaling, and draw them upwards. Draw in lower abdomen towards spine. Hold while comfortable. Release and inhale. Repeat. Then close left nostril with thumb. Breathe rapidly and rhythmically through the right nostril 20 TIMES, expanding and contracting abdomen. Close both nostrils and exhale deeply. Contract muscles of perineum, while exhaling, and draw them upwards. Draw in lower abdomen towards spine. Hold while comfortable. Release and inhale. Repeat.


The Circulation Of Light

Sit with straight spine. Imagine a ball of white light at the base of the spine. Inhale slowly and deeply using THE PSYCHIC BREATHE. As you do this, draw up the energy as a form of white light, from the base chakra. Allow it to rise freely, of it's own accord, to the top of the head. When it reaches there, imagine a fountain of light flowing from out of the top of your head. Let this energy circulate then around the outside of your body. Draw it in then at the base of your spine. This is ONE CYCLE. Perform “’FIVE CYCLES“’.

MJ 6/94