Further Reading

Sunday 18 February 2007

The Daily Merlin: Revisited

In this our hour of need - in truth the eleventh hour - with seemingly two signed deals on the table, we seek the oracle to reveal the unforeseeable, that truth which lies beyond the perceptions of the material plane. What is therefore to become of us from now?
  1. 7 of Pentacles (Variance);
  2. Universe (Consecration);
  3. Knight Of Swords (Penetration);
  4. 4 of Swords (Recuperation);
  5. Magian (Encapsulation);
  6. Hermit (Exaltation).

It's a hard road to have walked to this point. It reaches the pinnacle of its difficulty with the next steps to be walked. The 7 of Pentacles indicates too souls with few choices left to make, having had adverse conditions as a result of previous choices made in the recent past. Opportunities are dwindling and fate forces a seemingly obvious choice - the road displayed before them illustrated by the Universe. Their unified energy is seen to be reluctant to follow this path. Seemingly it is the only path now left to them. It is the 11th hour and it is the only way forward. But then an intervention represented by the Knight Of Swords appears, breaking the sheath which has formed around them and seemingly releasing the tortuous curse of the albatross from their necks. Traces of a broken mannikin (thought form mould?) is seen to shatter around them.

But what will have changed and how? It is seemingly impossible for them to experience the recuperation offered by the Four Of Swords. There are signs of a conflict or perhaps an ongoing conflict which they are involved in. How does it embroider itself around their dilemna?

The Magian indicates future travel to a new shore. Indeed it is obvious from the indications that their future does indeed lie elsewhere. Perhaps the Knight presents a new life opportunity for them on this other shore? But who's effects are those of the magician? The magician's effects encapsulates them in a new adventure. Many indications here are of a skill or skills which they possess which are truly required here elsewhere. But to get to this point indicated they must venture across the hazardous tightrope once more (another gamble perhaps?). But the skill and the poise which is indicated here ... the manner how they are transported from one shore to another indicates relative ease and a painless transition.

Certainly their current predicament though not solved in the short term will certainly ease with a offer or opportunity which they cannot even foresee.

The Hermit is indicative of further travels and learning curves in the future of this life together. There are dreams to attempt to realise with this card.

The going has been tough for them. It will not get easier immediately. But there is a new path for them - different to the one seemingly being presented to them at this moment in time.

Daily Merlin forecast with THE NAVIGATOR OF THE MYSTIC SEA Tarot by Matthew James