Further Reading

Saturday 24 February 2007

The Daily Merlin

Upon the meeting with the Knight Of Swords, and the unexpected & unforeseen insights which ensued, here we are now on the eve of a new chapter. One contract is now signed and sealed. The other has been discarded by divine intervention.

Please reveal the pathway ahead, the nature of the new chapter in our lives:
  1. THREE OF SWORDS (Desolation);
  2. PAGE OF SWORDS (Decomposition);
  3. KNIGHT OF SWORDS (Penetration);
  4. THREE OF WANDS (Cohesion);
  5. TWO OF CUPS (Harmony)
  6. EIGHT OF CUPS (Seclusion).

There's no question here that the past has been difficult. Hardships have been the norm. The reminders will be the theme of the path initially. The important stage is at hand. The digging of the foundations, firm and deep based on realistic goals. Goals set to clamber out of the testing desolatin and decomposition of a past tarnished by the outside influence of malice and malevolence.

The Knight Of Swords shall assist, aiding well with the task at hand. The merging of minds, the cohesion of acquired powers held by the two ... merging into a powerful force ... an incredible energy of success and determination.

Goals will be attained as the foundations become the walls ... and the orb of power will realise another before the completion of the first. Applying the same principle then and focussing on attaining the next level of goals to be accomplished the two will develop a form and a structure slakeless ... untouchable shall they be by the time the Knight Of Swords sees them worthy to stand on their own two feet.

Then when the harmony arrives and the goals are accomplished a second time, they will not forget the journey they have taken. They will not become complacent. Neither will they separate themselves from all who have aided them.

Their role is then to share the force and the form they have created. With hospitality and open arms they will reunite themselves with what was lost and find the wonders which have been gained .....