Further Reading

Tuesday 13 February 2007

A Druid Called Ezra

‘The Fabled Freudian ID’

Where once there was mystery ... there is no longer mystery
For the nameless, faceless drifter renews an ancient station
One familiar but strange, for the face and the inner directive, have changed ...
But the surroundings are unique to this game ...
and the original, necessary, environmental conditioning remains
All now is as then ... the strict factors to produce THAT personality,
those unique and inimitable reactions which are unique to he
That signature of personality which cannot be denied by those who seek him
That hasn’t changed ...... but lethargy now stands like a towering mountain
and the popular indoctrinations which dictate the who and the where ...
... means all eyes look elsewhere

So .. finally after all the fear is broken down,
and a decision is made to be announced to a dying world
there is nobody there waiting and he remains in obscurity .....

The state of the world is appalling
The words of those times used now to decide life and death
He has become an executioner, his words the standards set to decree genocide!
Behold the world he decreed back then and received ridicule
After a time of spiritual rest he has returned
and the world is now so Sodom and Gomorrah .... there is no hope left
The walls of Jericho prepare for another nuclear blast as the wheel revolves
He remains obscure ... un-noticed ... truly dangerous
A lunatic at large on the earth ... his psychosis awakened ... his neurosis real
His schizophrenia alive and the voices speaking of his name ...

His life spent preparing ... stoking ... summoning ... fighting his personal demons
to produce the exact conditions he required to create that name by alchemic means
The name very much alive and its power tested by clairvoyant means
His power unsurpassed and his ID energised,
to suppress the separate falseness which is the shadow

But he stands in the canyon alone ... no crowd confronts him
No assassin stands poised with knife or stone or rifle
Instead the eyes turn to the icons of the silver screen,
to the material rich created by the corruption of Sodom and Gomorrah
All has come to pass how he declared in his previous journals
When he was not a lone scribe ...

The world he walks is ignorant to the likes of they
Which makes them so powerful ... so dangerous
The element of surprise is theirs ... they have arrived unannounced at the ritual
The uninvited guest at the table ...
A clever plan by the hierarchal academy ...
One the agencies of the shadow will not have considered ...

‘Seven Pauper Pests’

Enter the seven ... without the pyrotechnics or the icon smile
Enter the seven without the claims to riches or aristocracy stance
Paupers, pawns, nobodies born in the ranks of the common person
Hidden perfectly from the scientific eyes of genetics and blood line assessment
In obscurity they can prepare and plan and group with little fear of distraction
Their self manufactured lives having served them well, a kaleidoscope of despair those lives
Preparing them well for the gatecrashing which is to come .........

‘The Faceless Druid Has Become So Brave’

Know the faceless druid now has a name ... EZRA ...
Ancient scribe and prophet reincarnate
And know he is not alone ... others bearing that name have reincarnated too
Already they reunite; their scriptures of soliloquy confirming their reporting to be true
Their channel the same; their insights parallel, inimitable but the same
The code to exchange to confirm each are that they claim to be
Charlatans beware ... you will be discovered this time ... Judas-exclusive in the modern day!

Yes ... the faceless druid has become so brave
He challenges the rider on his soul to destroy
He becomes strong with weakness
a lamb accustomed to the bloody stage of the sacrificial altar
He smiles and permits another crucifixion
His attitude to death permits death’s pills to touch his throat
His arrogance comes not though from delusion
but from battle weary impatience ... the rider tires him so

His mysticism attracts it all to his shores
His alchemy appalling to many for so few understand his motives ...
his moves are obscure ... he is seemingly tragic ...
He appears to be so reckless ....
His magic has the sworn certainty of the aged campaigner ...
His arrow will almost always find its mark ...
Though the wound may not appear to be the one he desires ...

He works with ‘karma’ and payback and the cosmic wheel
And knew in those darkest times the time of the seven would return
Their plan will now come into fruition .....
Their intention will not be denied by a world in need of their diction again ...

Thursday, 6 March 2003