Further Reading

Thursday 15 February 2007

The Earth Has Shifted On Its Axis

It's not imagined, that's for sure, but the sun is in a totally different position now in the sky. When compared with the same time last year, the sun's rays no longer enter the lounge of our house in the same spot.

What was once a sun trap at the rear of our house is no longer.

It is so obvious the earth has shifted on its axis, drastically. The sun is in a different spot in the sky. It travels in a different direction through our garden during the day. Where we had large areas of sun light early in the morning on the rear deck, and we were able to wander there at 6.30 - 7am in the morning to eat breakfast in the bright sunlight - there is now only shade.

It is also noticeably darker now in the early hours. At 6.10 am only LAST February (2006) the sun would be up and the house filled with warm sunlight. Now - its still dark - and even our youngest Son notices the difference ...

It is also colder in the early morning, with an almost wintry chill in the air.

One of our closest Kiwi friends here has also noticed that sun light no longer filters into her kitchen in the morning. An occurrence every year in February for her! She would always look forward to brilliant sunlight in her kitchen in the morning. Now - there is none. The sun misses her kitchen due to its changed trajectory over the roof of her house. The same is true for ourselves and no doubt countless dozens of others.


The earth has shifted its position. Tilted on its axis. I attribute it to the passing of Nibiru (Wormwood or 'The Crossing') over the last year or two. A planet of immense stature composed of plasma energy which has caused the Earth to move its position. Scientists shall scoff at me with this statement for sure. Firstly because Nibiru is fable, they will say and secondly because a heavenly body of such magnitude would have 'made the news' they would also say.

However, with the world governments so adamant in their stance about global warming (which is complete bollocks), there is NO chance that Nibiru can EVER be reported. Nibiru is so obviously one of the real reasons for the changes to the planet. It crosses the Earth approximately every 5000 years and, according to the Mayans (and others), every time it arrives there are earth change catastrophes!

Early Photograph of 'Nibiru'

'Classic Nibiru' photograph showing planet, moons & trails