Further Reading

Tuesday 13 February 2007


The Chinese curse 'may you live in interesting times' is upon us now. The Hindus speak of these times as KALI YUGA - where 'Yuga' is a couple of thousand years and 'Kali' refers to 'material darkness'.

This is what we are very much in at this moment in time.

It is time to follow the Hindus who step through this period of human existence with extreme trepidation. Very necessary in truth with the world's self acclaimed 'only super power' led by a group of people who are not only certifiably insane, dismembering Iraq & Afghanistan and filling the air around the planet with radioactive fallout from their weapons of mass destruction; but who have also proclaimed the 'right' of pre-emptive war (most likely nuclear) on anyone and everyone who they don't particularly like or who stand in their way horrified in an attempt to stop the madmen in their tracks.

This is exactly what 'material darkness' means. If you believe in money and power deeply enough, you wind up killing for it. This is what corporate culture actually means. It is hitching your belief system, your world view, to the corporate horse. You will put money and power first on the list of your priorities and then not stop to think that you have sold your soul to satanic notions in return.

It's now all happening out there. Both the UK & the US populations are being dummed down as they become inflicted with environmental toxins; have been rendered materially and spiritually inbalanced; and have had their 'democracy' torn to shreds from underneath them whilst they dreamt of all their un-needed material possessions and glamours force fed to them by the media ghouls.

The ultimate trap is being set up at this moment in time. When it is sprung, America will become part of the North American Union along with Canada & Mexico. Its currency shall be the 'Amero'.

All it takes is the predictable 'big depression' which will collapse the US Dollar and the new American Superstate (looking very much like the EU) will appear complete with its subservient inhabitants donning their newly injected RFID chip implants in their hands. And to keep the pot boiling their will be perpetual war!

This is all happening now. It is gathering speed and intensity every since the first World Trade Centre BOMBS went off. Yes, BOMBS. It has become an acknowledged fact that the WTC towers were detonated and dropped in controlled explosions.

Here in 2007, poor Americans & Britons are now awakening to the fact that their beloved nations have become police states with tightly controlled press and an every increasingly convenient demonised enemy to stoke the populace up with!

Just in case you have been paying much attention, events today are in truth part of a much larger agenda to destroy nation states and bring in a corporate dominated 'one world' government with no accountability to the people or the planet. In truth ... a one world government with centralised banking system with one currency and A MICROCHIPPED DUMBED DOWN POPULATION.

A population cut down drastically to lesser numbers by manufactured diseases, viruses, 'natural' disasters, acts of war and terror, manufactured famine etc etc ....

What is here is the END GAME strategy which had been hatched many many years ago - a strategy to gain control of the world - and its kick off was 911.


Its the same old world domination agenda and its a natural extension of the drive for power, wealth and control which is endemic in the twisted part of the human psyche. The part of the human psyche which has been recognised as the reptilean brain. Realise that those who crave this domination are NOT like you. To them you are nothing more than fodder. An inconvenience. Nothing more than slaves fit to harness the money machinery which they had created. They have no consciousness just an obsessive drive for power, money and their ambrosia ---- YOUR FEAR.

The obsessional need for power and control is a pathology and an illness, justified by the mistaken belief that they are the only 'realities' in life. The only things important. The only worthy goals to pursue. In fact the big lie which the Elite have forced on their slaves - whoever is richest when they die wins! BOLLOCKS!

Welcome to Kali Yuga. Welcome to interesting times.

The Elite are in truth slaves to their obsession and have 'adopted' you - spiritual minded souls of mankind - who are a thousand light years ahead in awareness, consciousness - as their hosts and the cogs in their machines. Without YOU their little world would come crashing down. They have convinced you of your separation, your uselessness, your hopelessness and they then rule you by total fear.

Take that fear from them and reconnect with the true destiny and the true potential which is you - you are not that reptilean part of the brain which they control you from. You are more than that. You are more than the thought form 'body' which they fool you into thinking is you. You are so much more. So much more than they can be. They are doomed to remain in this reality having been spawned from this reality. You can leave this behind to realms where they cannot reach. This is something they cannot ever experience ....

Remember that!