Further Reading

Friday 23 February 2007

Meditation Intrusions

Things are not the same as they were. A chosen meditation title chosen and the calming music drifting out the speakers, influencing consciousness. Awareness reaction, commencing painting a scene. The material world fading from the mind as a new inner landscape becomes visible, described by the frequencies received by mind.

Then the change. The difference between projections now and 15 years ago. An outside force hijacking the consciousness. Brought back to this material world. A controller, existing on the periphery beyond the 3rd density, sending an electrical impulse ... so my left knee has an electric shock.

I'm back here. Back on the 3rd density. Back on the earth plane as I must perceive it with this awareness.

Another meditation hijacking as an external force intercepts my projection. My awareness prevented from passing between the levels through my own created portal. My own worm hole.

Thus, my awareness is tracked. My journeys nowadays controlled.


I built a mental barrier around me. Programming it to receive any further hijacking attempts on the outside of the barrier. Leaving my floating awareness free within that bubble to express the interpret the frequencies of other dimensions without distraction.

I was not afraid. Fear has passed so long ago. I'm merely curious that no matter where I choose to project, there is always some influence touching my arms or my feet. Nothing violent. Nothing threatening.

But it is there at all times. All places.

It hasn't always been like this. I've been fortunate to have had a life filled with other world journeys and projections. I've seen many sights and been to many places. Met with emissaries of other worlds and other dimensions.

I'm just curious why now? Why the intrusions now. I am able to detect little malevolence, or benevolence in the intentions of the hijacker. The intrusions are clinical. No punishments. No comebacks. No malice. They just occur.

The intrusions are from an external source to my own.