Further Reading

Wednesday 28 February 2007

Nibiru: More Evidence

The red lens flares on the photograph are as a result of taking the picture directly into the setting sun. The main orb of the sun can clearly be seen in the cente of the photogrpah surrounded by the red lens flares. But, to the immediate left of the sun's orb can be seen another smaller orb. This orb is independent of the sun's orb ... and is not a lens distortion or flare. It is clearly there ... no mistake.

This orb is the Planet Nibiru ... notice how much bigger the planet is now to the earlier pictures of it taken in 2003?

I would welcome any photographic expert to offer to test this photograph for any tampering. It proves in my view without a shadow of a doubt that Planet X, a.k.a Nibiru is with us ... and is in a close orbit to our sun.

This photograph was taken in Queenstown, South Island, New Zealand on New Year's Eve 2004 and was not tampered with in any way.