Further Reading

Wednesday 28 February 2007

Another Six Finger Hand Print

This is an interesting account of an alien visitation which was found on the internet recently. It matches the occurrences which I've experienced over the years. The feeling of malevolence in the room; the paralysis .... plus the description of the six fingered hand print is almost identical to the hand print which I reported as having on our bedroom window recently.

Professor Pan said...
"Part of the problem with abduction research, or any research into threshold phenomena, is that people tend to divide into either/or camps -- either people are getting picked up by space aliens or they're suffering from sleep paralysis or some other physical or mental illness. It's a false dichotomy, and it does nothing but further entrench the believers on either side, shutting out more nuanced possibilities.

I had an episode of sleep paralysis several years ago. It could be dismissed as nothing more than textbook sleep paralysis except that it left physical evidence on my body. I was staying at a bed and breakfast in West Virginia on a snowy weekend.

I awoke in the middle of the night with my heart pounding, completely paralyzed. I was absolutely convinced that something malevolent was in the room with me. I could sense the evil presence clearly, though I could not turn my head to see anything. For a long time I lied immobile, fearing I was going to have a heart attack and die from the fear. Eventually I fell back asleep and remembered nothing else.

When I awoke in the morning, my girlfriend noticed a red hand print on my chest. I looked in the mirror and saw it -- bright red, very large, and six-fingered. Five long fingers and a thumb. She suggested that maybe I had been sleeping on my own hand, so I tried to twist my arm and hand to fit the print. It was physically impossible. Also, the fingers themselves were long and thin -- much longer than mine.The print eventually faded.

One other interesting tidbit: That night, I had taken a fairly large dose of melatonin (a neurohormone), which I used to help me sleep. Melatonin increases the vividness and intensity of dreams, and is a tryptamine, a class of chemicals that includes the fascinating DMT molecule.

One classic feature of DMT use is the perception of "others" -- a quick google search will reveal many fascinating encounters with what the users labeled elves, mantises, lizards, and other terms commonly used to describe UFO entities.What I am suggesting is that contact experiences and trickster manifestations may not fall easily into reductionist categories like sleep paralysis, temporal lobe epilepsy, fantasy-prone hallucinations, or physical aliens beaming people onto spaceships. There is very likely an amorphous middle ground that the feuding theorists cannot or will not entertain."