Further Reading

Saturday 17 February 2007

Sorcerer's Thoughts Again

There's so much to think about in these desperate times. A world apparently hellbent on self destruction, on wars, on terrorism ... global warming a real issue for the governments of the world.

But is it all as they say? Is the world really as haphazard and chaotic as the Governments would have us believe? Are we to buy the media doom and gloom which is forced down our throats day after day? Do we really accept the way the last great 'Super Power' is declaring war on everyone? Invading Iraq on the the pretext of weapons of mass destruction. Only there has never been any proof provided! Now the same is being declared of Iran!

We all remember 911. None of us will ever forget it! But most of the world now knows the conspiracy theories. It is not clear cut now as the USA had declared regarding the terrorist attacks. I'd said from day one ... from the very moment on that fateful day I watched with horror, like everyone, the towers coming crashing down ... that they were brought down with controlled explosions! I was laughed at back then. But now? People are waking up to the very same conclusion.

Things are not the same anymore. Terror is among us. I think it has always been here. Since I was a young child life has been a realm of terror with regular attacks by unseen forces! Unseen entities prodding me and strangling me. Aliens and abuctions have been a reality for me for all of my life.

So has mediumship and channelling. So has alien forms appearing before me and telepathic communications. So has disembodied voices talking to me. So has my face transfiguring (shapeshifting).

It is all a fact of life for me. Making my conventional life so difficult.

But now. I've deduced a reality which is occurring around us which the sheepy mortals fail to see. They are too lost in their material glamours and their 9-5 working woes. There a few like me who see. We are putting out the word (the light) in an attempt to awaken the poor mortals from their malaise. But it appears too late.

There is a mass invasion of Earth going on around them. Wars are being fought - not between countries - but between us and someone else! Abductions are taking place in tens of thousands. The same is true of the ET craft appearing in our skies. Something major is afoot and we've public mortals have been sold out by the power mad Rich ones of the world. They know the truth but keep it from us.

Beneath our feet are thousands of city like complexes occupied by aliens and hybrids. We are being used as a food source for races of nasty malevolent beings. We are also being seeded by others ... highly advanced races exist out there ... but we are being kept ignorant of it all.

It appears scary ... but then it is a reality way beyond that which our five senses are permitted to realise.

Too much literature and evidence has been presented to me over the last thirty years for me to accept the cosy, dreamy world of man which the conventional upbringing dictates. Plus I have seen too much; felt too much; heard too much ... to accept I am imagining things.

Plus there are too many others out there it is happening too ... for it to be dismissed.

There is quite definitely an awakening occurring on this planet. There is a change in frequency for sure ... one which forces within our populace (and outside) don't like and are trying to prevent.

Light (truth) will succeed in the end; otherwise myself and others like me wouldn't be here incarnated at this fabulous moment in time.
