Further Reading

Sunday 25 February 2007

UFO Fleet Over M25 London, UK

This photograph shows a clear anomaly. Numerous unidentified flying objects (UFO) in the night sky over the M25 motorway near London UK.

The image clearly shows not just ONE or TWO ufo's but literally dozens of these 'artifacts' flying in a seeming convoy. Indeed it can only be deemed to be a fleet.

Most surely these craft do not appear like any form of terrestrial craft which is in the main stream. They cannot be dismissed as anything other than what they were reported as being.

This sighting has been further collaborated by many other people who witnessed this sight at the same time.

So basically there was an entire fleet flying in formation across the skies over the UK's capital city! An intelligence obviously oblivious to the 'human' populace it was flying over. A deliberate show of technological strength? Or the actions of an intelligence which is gradually letting itself be known to the populations of this planet ... bearing in mind formations of this magnitude have been sighted in Brazil many times?

The reaction now has got to be a unanimous ... 'we know there is intelligent life out there for sure ... we've witnessed sufficient evidence in recent years plus been given numerous pointers by the likes of NASA to know there is a disclosure being provided to the people's of the world'.
However, we must question the intentions of the intelligent life, but without a panic setting in. The numbers of craft here give the impression of a fleet - if it were ships at sea then we would say it is a flotilla of vessels with a definite purpose ... like perhaps an invasion or a miltary coup or a war?

IS THERE THEN A REAL CAUSE FOR CONCERN. Have we humans been observed up to this stage and the intelligent life now making its move? Are we being invaded? Are the world's Elite keeping this from us?

It leads to other questions. Like maybe Iraq? Is there some kind of war between the factions of the Reptileans here on Earth and another faction off world? With human soldiers as the cannon fodder on earth? Is this just another round of the ongoing saga between two factions who are contesting ownership of this planet?

We in truth as the majority should demand a FULL DISCLOSURE of all that is going on with regard to ET intelligence and UFO technology!