Further Reading

Monday 26 February 2007

An Unhappy Phantom

Sorcerer's Diary Entry
Meditation Contact

Choice of music 'Transcendental Ocean' by Patrick Bernhardt. Closed eyes and entered stillness almost instantly. Awareness of thought form body of frequency I'd then entered. Scenery had not yet began to build when I became aware of an Androgynus being standing before me. Androgynus in the sense it displayed no characteristics of either female or male polarity.

It immediately let me know its displeasure; 'I do not like the way you've grown' . I clearly heard the statement by way of thought transference. The words were in my own mind but I was not the originator.

I noted then its movement and it proceeded to slap at me with its tentacle like arms.

I was brought back to the material world awareness with the sensation of being punched/slapped in my lower abdomen region. It coincided identically with the reaction of the being. The area I felt the force was identical to where it had aimed the punch/slapping.