Further Reading

Monday, 19 March 2007

After Watching The Dragon's Den

I am neither an entrepreneur or an inventor; I repel money rather than attract money. I would be a millionaire's nightmare in that money seems to be lost around me. I have nothing to offer any of the Dragons in the den. No sales pitch. No product. Nothing to put before them. Accept myself. My own uniqueness. My own pricelessness. There can be no price put on the potential of one individual; one facet of the all. Because within me is everything there has been and all there ever will. All the inventions are contained in my consciousness. All that has ever been before them and all that ever will.

In truth, I wish I could invent the monitor screen which would show the doubting world all that I hear; all I see; all that goes on within this mind. A monitor to give total absolute proof to destroy the will of the power families. However, they are aware of the proof. They are aware of all they hide from this sorry world. I wish too I had the magic tonic to give to each and every living soul to lose the grip of the illusion and break us all from the malaise that condemns us. But then it would ultimately destroy this game we all are participants in.

Perhaps then it is best I stay as I am.