Further Reading

Saturday 31 March 2007

Extra-terrestrial Genes In Human DNA

Does earth represent a genetic frontier for extra-terrestrials?
Collective research from a growing number of exo-scientists indicates there are genes from over 20 extra-terrestrial civilisations in the human DNA. These exo-scientists have continued the work of Nobel Prize Winner, Dr Francis Crick and other scholars in this field of research.

Exo-scientists and other researchers base their findings on carefully collected data, which includes well corroborated documented observations by contactees and 'whistleblowers' as well as other documentation.

These verified reliable sources have come into contact with representatives of non-Earth Human civilisations living in human populations at-large and also in official capacities.

'Exo-science' is the study of extra-terrestrial phenomenon; and is further associated with exopolitics which embraces the need for humanity to have open contacts with Extra-terrestrials on a representative democratic basis which represents earth's sovereignty.

Dr Francis Harry Compton Crick concluded extra-terrestrial origins in the human genome in to his well known DNA research;

Research efforts inspired by Dr. Michael E. Salla suggest that within the over 20 types of extra-terrestrial genes within human DNA, lies psycho-kinetic abilities associated with the genetic memories of ancient extra-terrestrial races. These apparent psycho-kinetic abilities are associated with the focussing of the creative collective consciousness of being in the universe.

As a result of the countless hundreds of eye witness accounts of 'apparent' extra-terrestrial space crafts, Exo-Scientists theorise this is because 'the extra-terrestrials have sought to observe or intervene on Earth as a result of human beings bearing the genetic footprints of their ancient forebearers".

Earth appears therefore to represent a 'strategic genetic frontier' between scientifically minded extra-terrestrials who 'seeded' the earth and other extra-terrestrials with varying genetic agendas. Further visible indications of apparent extra-terrestrial contact in Human DNA include the existence of diverse ethno-racial communities of humanity on earth. Many tribes such as the African Dogon claim to possess evidence of having origins from races of supernatural creatures which came down from the sky.

Exo-scientists indicate that ethical extra-terrestrials inspired the communalistic and environmental protection philosophies of Native-Canadian, African and other tribes.

Aboriginal tribes in the Americas, Africa, Australasia and elsewhere embraced the animalistic spirituality of the original reported spiritually & technologically advanced human and other extra-terrestrials who seeded earth. These tribes were apparently inspired by original constituents of humans and other extra-terrestrials to be custodians of 'Mother Earth' and to live in harmony and balance with nature.

Exo-scientists suggest that subsequent interventions on earth by other extra-terrestrials largely sought to manipulate earth humans genetically, technologically and also by dysfunctionally inspiring religious dogma and accompanying rituals. Apparently these extra-terrestrials performed 'great feats' in order to be worshipped as 'gods'. The reported next step was to provide technology to these earth humans so these earth humans would create impressive looking structures of religious worship; laid with gold and other mined mineral resources; for the purpose of religious worship to these extra-terrestrial 'gods'. This corruption of human spirituality would further dysfunctionally inspire crass materialism.

These religious structures became centres in the creation of competing rituals and dogma between different 'ET CULT' groups; as these centres become of increasing importance further manipulation by emissaries of the 'ET Gods' occurred which successfully pitted one group of humanity against the other.

The purpose of these 'false gods' was to repress the development of collective consciousness among earth humans based upon the founding universal conventions. 'The purpose of the creation of systems of religious dogma was designed to instil petty hatred and antagonisms that would repress the conventions of peace, love & wisdom, and which would have otherwise protected earth humans from being exploited as a genetic and overall planetary resource.'

Some of these extra-terrestrials, which apparently included Human Extra-terrestrials who rebelled against the communal spirituality and freewill ethic of original human extra-terrestrials who had seeded earth; reportedly simply sought to exploit the earth for its mineral resources. 'Other rebelling materialistically orientated working groups of humans & other ET; viewed earth humans to be useful specimens to be incorporated in genetic experimentation programs.'

Apparently socially conscientious extra-terrestrials; who feared the implications of the manipulating ET factions to genetically influence earth humans into becoming barbarians; sought to 'seed' star children. These star children were seeded into humanity without the apparent knowledge of the earth humans they came into contact with, to aid in the apparent view of extra-terrestrials to elevate and inspire the socially creative potentials of humanity. Notwithstanding this, according to contactees, the ethical extra-terrestrials abide by strict 'galactic community directives' of non-interference on earth, including the non-execution of genetic experiments.

Exo-scientists indicate that the 'crop circle phenomena' is a notable example of 'ethical Andromedans' seeking to inspire humanity in the form of crop circle messages.

Modern earth human DNA therefore has the reported genetic memories which are associated with the origins of humanity in the universe as part of a diaspora of 'over 130 billion human beings' and a subsequent millennia of uncoerced biological contact, and also the coerced biologival experimentation with a mix of extra-terrestrials.

SOURCE: Uncensored Issue 7 April-June 2007