Further Reading

Friday 23 March 2007


Taken from http://www.davidicke.com/content/blogcategory/30/48

'Fundamental to any tyranny is control of the media and today’s global tyranny has all but achieved that. The media is owned by the corporations who ensure that what people are told in the daily ‘news’ leads them to see the world in a way that suits the corporations and the shadowy bloodline networks that control them.

The most blatant example is Fox News, the far-right propaganda ministry owned by Rupert Murdoch and his vast media empire that includes Sky TV, Asian Star Television, the New York Post and the British newspapers, the Sun and the Times. Murdoch also bought MySpace.com in 2005 and given that line up — and so much more — it is sobering to see what goes on behind the scenes in the Murdoch fiefdom to dictate and manipulate what passes for ‘news’ and ‘information’.

Fox News is the most biased television station I have seen, certainly in North America and Europe, and yet its slogan is ‘Fair and Balanced’. This is Orwellian Newspeak akin to the Ministry of Truth in his novel 1984 where history and information were falsified. Outside the Ministry was the notice: ‘War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.’ That’s the same as saying Fox News is ‘fair and balanced’.