Further Reading

Saturday 31 March 2007

Just one of the many flaws in the 'official' 9/11 story ...

was the destruction of the Security & Exchange (SEC) records in the WTC-7 without striking the building with an airplane or without a major fire. This flaw worried the master planners throughout all of September 11th 20o1. The arsonists had done a professional job of evacuating everyone and then systematically torching as many floors in the building as they could. But still, compared to many other major fires in steel skyscrapers, the spot fires in WTC-7 resembled exactly what it was ... arson. Predictably, the US media and scholarly 'experts' of academia did their best to explain away the collapse of WTC-7. Still the peculiar collapse caught on video and film, of the building falling straight down at close to freefall gravitational speed remains a flaw by the master planners. They factored on the many videos of the second plane smacking into the WTC but did not factor for the endless video record of the controlled demolition of WTC-7.