Further Reading

Friday 23 March 2007

A New Program To Begin

A faster vibration encircling the human land
Angelic minds reaching out singing the word
There is hope ... there can be hope after all
All over this wondrous world.
The darkness is over;
Hearts are lifting ... higher, higher
Loosen the shackles of the aeons
That folly has passed.
Ahead is a new dawn;
New shorelines to wander; new lands to explore
As the mother earth is cleansed of the wrongs
And the human consciousness has evolved higher
The star children spread the word;
It shall come to pass;
The coming catastrophe is not the end ...
The golden age arrives ... and the changes splice the light from the darkness, now.
A vibration lifting, lifting ...
Lightening the load and brightening the spirit within
Those with the second sight shall already see;
They are preparing; waiting ... reading the signs ... knowing of the arrival.
A different species within the collective of man;
With their minds expanded; their inner eye open wide;
Hearing and seeing; sensing and living a different vibration to the rest
Living out their lives to end their script in that phase of mortal evolution.
In readiness of a quantum leap;
An awesome quickening to separate those who have the light awake within
From those who are lost ... who are not meant to be ready ... who must leave these shores
For it shall not be their destiny this cycle to remain.
Hear them the visitors ... sense their words in the back of your minds ... a wondrous host
Passing forth the words of hope ... in this the magical moments of truth
For man is deep within the bubble of illusion set to burst
The changes are here, children, all around you.
Once the bubble bursts ... know you shall see
Your mortal lives can never be the same
Turn to those awake for guidance
Walk fearlessly then ... and o so bravely onto the new shores.
New lands to marvel ... but at first as a collective the visitors know you shall fear
Already the crossing occurs and the poles are on the move
Your scientists struggle to hide the truth ... our silver ships are seen by so many
All is set for this program to cease ... and the new one to begin ... be ready, be ready ....