Further Reading

Tuesday 20 March 2007

The Return

Winter's chill, crystal clear waters
Stillness on the air
High in the towering peaks
The loner is content; free
Concerns of the human
Forgotten far, far below
Lost on the dusty trail
That vale a different world to here.

Enter then the regal one
Soaring high in the clear blue sky
Its silhouette against the morning sun
The mortal grateful for the touch of that warmth
Frost ridden rocks against his numbing skin
He is weary of the ascent; to the summit; to the throne room
Feeling watched; aware piercing eyes detect him
For he is an invader in these magical lands

Many years have passed
Since his last sojourn
To the top of the world
Witness to the splendour
Observer of the eagle's mystical soar
Up on high
He loses sense of time and expectations
Watching the natural order of existence

Closer and closer the eagle
Plummetting then out of the sky
Towards the intruder; a piercing cry
Landing on its uppermost perch
Defiant of the mortal who sits there
Hanging precariously on the slippery rocks
A sudden quickness of attack
And the mortal would surely fall to its death ...

But then the talisman is curious; intelligent
Sensing mystery in that moment
Realising it is like before
Though outwardly the visage may have changed
The spirit is the one who visited many times before
Issuing one piercing cry; fixing the mortal with hunter's eyes
It hops to its lower perch within its throne room
And moves towards the visitor ...

MJ 19/3/07