Further Reading

Thursday 22 March 2007

Time Flies (When You Are Having Fun)

The world is truly passing us by now. Minutes become hours become days much quicker than I can ever remember. The pace is of some concern. Most of us sadly are not aware. We are ignorant of this phenomenon. Caught fast in the daily bedlam which we know as 'life'. Trapped by debt repayments; busy work schedules; family traumas; the extremes of deaths and births. Either that or we spend our time mesmerised by the images on TV; in newspapers; or on a computer monitor or screen. We seem to be somehow aware of the storm which brews above our heads but merely open up the umbrella, mutter 'oh well' and continue with the daily routine we construe as life. It is a sad reality for us all. We've been conditioned to be this way. The constant bombardment of media images over the years has worn our resistance down. We've become apathetic and ignorant. We're hardened to the horrors we see depicted before us each and every day. It's all a contributory factor to the way we blunder through our lives; accepting the reality as little more than dumbed down automatons. None of us (well the lucky 0.5% do) actually work for ourselves. None of us actually benefit from the blood, sweat and tears our 40+ hours per week produce. OK, so many of us here in New Zealand work for ourselves. But the majority have mortgages, loan repayments, lease hire payments etc etc to have to contend with. We all work for the banks and the loan companies. They in turn are the automaton organisations for the Rich Elite families who own virtually everything in the world! We are all in effect their slaves. We are permitted a pitiful donation from the hard earned 'imaginary currency' they invented with which we are controlled. And we willingly live this way! Most in a state of denial this in truth 'reality'. Many would criticise or ridicule me right now for writing this. However it is true, and what I say is old trodden ground. It isn't new. Many others have said it before me and will keep saying it. We all need to wake up to this reality. The same Rich Elite families are in control of our governments and our media companies. Our food suppliers too. Our drinks industries. Our everything basically. They call the shots. And they hate all of us 'common' sheep. They see us little more than herd mentality. Inferior mortal to them. It is true! We've been their slaves ever since their 'gods' devised us humans out of test tubes to aid with the gold mines in what is now Iraq!

They've created the entertainment industries of music, computer games etc to control us. To condition us. To weaken us. To make us into little more than robots. So we will sit in our square box rooms after a long day's toil making them profits and connect ourselves into the entertaining reality they have created for us. We all do it. We all 'escape reality' in this way. We all let life pass us by, affected by the programming they have created for us.

We witness the world events how they want us to see them. They condition us into a history of the world they wish us to know. They only tell the victors tale. They make us believe ridiculous scientific 'theories' backed up by facts and figures that bamboozle us into accepting it must be fact. They brainwash us into believing the hostilies out there in the world are just like they say. They created major blockbuster movies with outlandish and far fetched plots and themes that further lull us into a dumbed down state. Through this industry they have created 'icons' which we all worship alongside the ridiculous and far fetched religions they invented centuries ago to suppress and divide us.

They've basically made us into a collective psychological mess. And now they push for their final stages of total domination with ludicrous tales of world terrorism and hostility. If we could stop and really think clearly we would all see it as it really is.

Maybe twenty years ago, when time moved more serenely and their impetus was less frantic, we would have seen it clearly. They could not have gotten truly to us then. Their stepping stones were only just being laid down. We weren't as poisoned then. Our minds were less constricted by the 'needs and the wants' of the technology they force down our necks. The toxins they drop in the food, in the water and in the air were not as dangerous as they are now. They'd not had the accumulated effects of the rot they had developed in the last fifty years. No, they couldn't have pulled over this great work of the ages final chapter then.

They can now because we are all divided and confused. We are all now forced to be at each other's throats with everything from religion to skin colour to our favourite football or rugby team. Not only that they also bombard us with visions of extreme violence and sex on the TV, on the internet and in computer games. What was rightfully taboo decades before is now accepted mainstream. New's reports have become more and more 'as it happens' and 'at the scene' than ever before. The realism in dramas such as hospital serials, crime dramas is very disturbing. The development of prosthetics makes realism gory in truth. It has made this world a real hellish place to exist in as these Rich Elite families will now stop at nothing to reprogram our freewill. Because that is what it is basically all about. Under normal circumstances our freewill would not permit us to be taken over and controlled in the way we are being. Therefore they've had to resort to clandestine and covert methods to force us to give our freewill away.

Mind control is real. It is all around us each and every day. We are under the effects of it 24 hours a day. Fifty years of experimentation and development by the Rich Elite's scientists has created a world where we are totally and utterly reprogrammed in every aspect of our lives. The inventions of microwaves, mobile phones, satellite signals, blue tooth etc etc are the worst of them all. Plus heaps of other technologies we don't even know about.

Our minds are constantly filled with high pitched and low pitched beeps and whistles which is explained away as 'ear problems' when in truth it is DNA changing technology at work. We are bombarded with a whole multitude of beams and rays which are designed to reprogram our awareness and create slave consciousness out of us all. So we will submit to the will of our malevolent masters.

Sadly, it has been like this since the invention of Homo Sapiens and this world was gradually closed off to other 'worlds'. That is the BIGGEST brainwash of all the Rich Elite families long list of deceitful acts. They have us believe we are the ONLY life form in the entire creation! What bollocks. I can say with absolute 100% certainty that is NOT true. Our world has been 'closed off' to other civilisations with a big 'hands off' sign written somewhere. A little like North Korea is to the rest of the world. They totally possess us and do not want us to know there are other worlds out there teeming with life. However they will have known with certain eventuality that this would not be possible for ever. Outside would seep to the inside. Which is what is taking place today. There is mutiny within their ranks and infiltration. The message of other life forms outside of Earth is getting through. But be warned, they will soon 'announce' that mankind is under threat of invasion by hostile aliens. This is a real possibility.

However, until they are forced to make that announcement, they will press on with their high speed take over of the planet. Everything has speeded up as they attempt to gain a stranglehold before the outside civilisations gain back this planet which they will. There are more outside than there are Rich Elite & their handlers (inter-dimensional races) on the inside. I'd better cease this here ... it is likely to get very sci-fi and off topic.

But basically, we are in for more tough times as we are dumbed down still further and time goes even quicker. Before we know it 2007 will have passed like that. In the time it would have taken January to April to have passed us by back in 1995! No seriously. There will be more and more blockbuster movies; more and more un-needed technologies more advanced than plasma TV etc; more and more games to entertain us. Sony 3 is soon out here. Shortly it brings out its virtual reality world software games where our kids can spend hours and hours in a virtual reality world and lose their grip on reality still further.

Oh yes they've got real wonderful things planned for us between now and 2012. The real darkness has not yet arrived. The real agony is almost upon us. All of this is little more than the cornerstones, the foundations put in place before our eyes. The real imprisonment comes shortly. Two thirds of the world's population will perish; the anti-christ will be announced; USA & Britain will have their economies destroyed. It is wonderful times ahead. Mind you very few of us will be truly aware of it as we do our best to survive the even more frantic daily lives they will create for us.

By the time 2012 arrives, the distance of one year will likely to be little more than a month back in 1995. Scary eh? You'd better believe it!