Further Reading

Wednesday 21 March 2007

Unique Viewpoint

Residing here in New Zealand presents an opportunity to witness the world from a unique viewpoint. Basically looking at the inside from on the outside. Much of the torments experienced in the UK, USA & Australia have yet to take a hold here in New Zealand. Big Brother surveillance is not as evident here; I daren't say it is not taking place; when compared with other parts of the world.

Watching the likes of CNN, Fox, BBC World permits me to witness without actually taking part. We've got intentional poisoning issues here; Sodium Fluoride in toothpaste and fluoridation of water as well as chemtrails in the sky. But as yet the covert intentions to microchip the population has passed us by. I've no doubt the New World Order has it planned for New Zealand. But at present here is such a small population on an insignificant island there is not much to gain.

New Zealand's Prime Minister, Helen Clarke, is currently with Bush in the States. No doubt being programmed into the ways of big brother.

So while this unique viewpoint exists I will take full advantage of it. Over here we have an interesting publication called UNCENSORED -
http://uncensored.co.nz/ - which provides a good basis to read 'the true story'. However, even this I take with a pinch of salt and daub it all over with the Chickenfeed tag as disinformation is everywhere. The Elite have gone to expensive and extreme measures to hide their 'grand work of the ages'. They will not permit such a tiny island as New Zealand to blow their cover. All governments, including that of New Zealand, are plugged into the agenda. Therefore, where there is government there is corruption and cover up and hidden agenda.