Further Reading

Friday 23 March 2007

When It's Cool to be Evil

On the theme of the entry 'Time Flies (When You Are Having Fun) I have added this article which I found on my travels to http://www.prisonplanet.com/index.html which is basically an excellent 'follow on' to what my 'moan' had been discussing. The article is in the same vein and discusses perfectly the theme I'd covered in the earlier article. It begins with the writer's observations of what is a firm favourite to most teenage children who have a PS2 - Grand Theft Auto, Vice City. The article was written when the accursed game first hit the shelves back in 2002.

'When It's Cool To Be Evil'
By Henry Makow Ph.D.

"My friends and I did three whores yesterday," my son, 16, remarked casually.
"Then we killed them and took our money back."
He was referring to video game craze, "Grand Theft Auto --Vice City" which allows impressionable teens to pretend they are psychotic gangsters. They become ex-con "Tommy Vercetti," a Darwinian survivor in a pitiless hedonistic Vice City.

They have a choice of 120 vehicles and 30 weapons (meat cleaver, machete) to use to gun down policemen, rob liquor stores and jack cars. Made by Sony, the game teaches the young it's cool to be evil.

The predecessor game "Grand Theft Auto-3", (only 50 vehicles, 20 weapons) sold seven million copies.

My son added: "If I had a high-powered rifle and wasn't afraid of the law, it's what I'd do." He was just goading me; but I was taken aback. I didn't say anything.

As parents our reflex is to be laid back and tolerant. To say:" This is natural experimentation."
I might have done this a few years ago but I am beginning to see the world differently. I no longer believe trends like family breakdown, promiscuity and violence are random.

I believe a satanic, criminal cabal rules the world controlling illegal drugs, prostitution as well as banking, oil, defence and the media. In order to consolidate its power and weaken society, it actively promotes these destructive trends. Following a centuries-old plan, it has subverted all social institutions: business, politics, education, and religion. (Most people don't realize that success today depends on serving this cabal.) It started all wars. It fabricated the war on terror to advance the creation of an Orwellian world-police-state.

We are on the cusp of a New Dark Age from which we may never emerge. How did this happen?

They used a sleight of hand. They preyed on mankind's innate desire for justice by promising "fraternity, liberty and equality." They gave us liberalism, socialism and communism, not to help but to control us. They gave us feminism, pornography and sexual liberation, not to free but to enslave us. They used them all to undermine family, nation, and religion.