Further Reading

Wednesday 28 February 2007

World Events?

With all this 'discovery' and debate in the corridors of cyber space, relating to decimating mankind down to a mere 500 million and BBC News reporting the collapse of the 2nd WTC tower 25 minutes before it did actually detonate, life appears so different and so depressing. I mean what is the point of actually carrying on? On the face of it, the chances of being one of the remaining 500 million in about 5 years - if this does prove to be the Elite's intentions - is highly unlikely. There are many souls on this planet, who on discovering this information, could technically become understandably suicidal. It is something alarming to be faced with. Perhaps, then, this is one reason these drastic measures (let's assume they are 75% correct which means there is still a large number of souls leaving this planet) are kept hidden. Release of this information (not that the Elite would reveal their plans to their slaves) would cause mass panic. But fortunately for me I can live with the information. It depresses me, yes. But it doesn't alarm me. I've been in the 'loop' regarding this information for most of my life. I've been a silent voice and a silent witness. Aware this is what was going to befall the earth in my lifetime. I did not know the plan or that the world's richest people were Dragon Bloodline or that an Alien 4th Destiny race controlled us. Not at that time. I just had the raw data via dreams, automatic writing and telepathic input. The rest came later. The pieces were given bit by bit in the last 35 years and gradually began to fit together.

Now, I have come to the ghastly conclusion, that which is reported in the Conspiracy Circles as being planned will indeed come to plan in some form or the other.

I have been very observant in recent years. ET activity has increased in its magnitude. I've always known that aliens were out there. Since I was 5 years old I've seen and been contacted. I've had the trauma of abduction and lost time too. This I can say with certainty. It is not illusion or imagination. Strange marks on my body and a hard lump in my right ear - which wasn't there before reinforce my 'belief'. There have been many, many instances of visitations and manifestations throughout the last 36 years - from both a benevolent source and a malevolent source.

For some reason I am a minor player in this mortal game. I therefore know of things which I shouldn't. One of which is the 'reality' about to be staged on the world stage relating to 'aliens'. It will be disclosed by governments for sure. The pressure on official sources is immense, certainly since the invention of the Internet. So many cases of ET sightings and abductions are out there now. Photographic and video evidence is all over the Internet. The pressure groups which are forcing the official sources to come clean are making the Elite change their plans. They will soon reveal the ET presence but in a manner which is to there benefit.

I personally feel the ET activity in the sky is some kind of 'invasion force'. Not the 'bad guys' but some kind of Galactic presence which is appalled by the treatment of the Genetic laboratory rats known as mankind. Some galactic presence is amongst us for sure. Many volunteers will have incarnated as humans to be 'inside' the situation. Others will be here openly observing. This has occurred - in my opinion- for centuries. Because of the known iternary of the Elite, I'm sure the time for action is now. Therefore the Galactic presence is planning some kind of mass rescue mission (perhaps) to counter the drastic extermination of mankind.

I'm certain that it is a general consensus that the earth is over-populated. However, very few 'alien' species will agree to the extermination of mankind in the way that the Elite intend. But then ... the highly advanced races out there already know that this is a game; a virtual reality experience within a highly advanced computer ... they know this is not 'real' in the sense of true experience. They know everything within the confines of this 'universe' and the levels of density/dimension/vibration are merely thought forms ....

However, for some reason, transcendental 'light' beings from beyond this computer game (this matrix) are becoming involved. Why? I can't suss that part.

I feel however, the awareness and consciousness of the beings which we truly are, prior to our involvement in this game, is being lifted.

There is some type of 'software upgrade' occurring. Therefore these is a major change coming to this reality. Some would call this 'The New Age' or 'The Photon Belt' or something similar. Whatever it is .... it allays my fears. It eases my woes with the coming decade. Whatever is planned is under the control of a much higher force than the one currently in control of mankind.

The 4th destiny nasties which control us and traumatise us are not likely to succeed in their ultimate game plan. I feel this reality will get close to the one they plan - one world army, one world government, one world nation with a micro chipped population - but they shall NOT succeed.

Therefore the Alien force which is in our skies will initially be described by the Elite controlled governments as Malevolent and a threat to human existence! That is how it will be put to the world's population. That WE are going to be invaded. That the star wars weapons up in space will protect US from the threat.

But that will be total bollocks. The force up in the upper atmosphere of this planet I feel are ourselves from another dimension. We are no threat to ourselves. But the force IS a threat to the factions of the Elite which control us. Therefore a war WILL ensue ... but the Elite will be at war with a force come to free the world's people from the evil force that controls it.

I feel too that the force will manifest itself as a faction of The Reptileans who are benevolent to us Humans. This force is returning to this planet and is not particularly pleased at the way its brethren are running IT'S planet.

I feel therefore that the hostilities in the Middle East are a front to permit armed forces to be transported there to 'defend' The Elite against this alien invasion. The hostility is also a perfect cover for the fighting which will result.

I feel the Middle East areas of Iraq and Iran, in particular, are the ancient home of this benevolent force. They have therefore returned back to 'home' ... after a long time of absence.

This account is likely to be viewed as 'far fetched' and is going to be fairly inaccurate. However, it has in all probability a certain degree of truth in it .

I've not included any comment on Global Warming or the arrival of Nibiru, both of which being so obviously linked to all of this.

I will however comment on these important matters at a later date.

MJ 1/3/07

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