Further Reading

Wednesday 21 March 2007


I found a useful web site relating to UFO information; http://www.ufoarea.com/index.html

From here I discovered an interesting eye witness account of a triangular UFO sighted over Belguim. As illustrated below.

"On November 29, 1989, a large craft with triangular shape flew over the town of Eupen. The gendarmes von Montigny and Nicol found it near the road linking Aix-la-Chapelle and Eupen. It was stationary in the air, above a field which it illuminated with three powerful beams. The beams emanated from large circular surfaces near the triangle's corners. In the center of the dark and flat understructure there was some kind of 'red gyrating beacon.' The object did not make any noise. When it began to move, the gendarmes headed towards a small road in the area over which they expected the object to fly. Instead, it made a half-turn and continued slowly in the direction of Eupen, following the road at low altitude. It was seen by different witnesses as it flew above houses and near City Hall."

Sightings continued to be logged by SOBEPS and the Gendarmerie during the fall and winter of 1989-1990. Most witnesses described seeing dark, triangular objects with white lights at the corners and a red flashing light in the middle. Many of the objects were said to have hovered, with some of them then suddenly accelerating to a very high speed. Most of the objects made no sound, but some were said to have emitted a faint humming like an electric motor.

These eye witness accounts were made about 14 years before the ones in the UK. Do they relate to the same craft? They are clearly a phenomena which didn't cease; moving on to other countries. No doubt I've just touched the tip of the iceberg; further research will herald hundreds more sightings of these craft. I am basically wandering a very cold trail now. A trail much trampled on by Ufologists. It was however, worth this slight deviation. It did after all arise as a result of reading the recent report on www.rense.com which was featured here earlier today.