Further Reading

Tuesday, 10 April 2007


Who were the Annunaki?

They were the Watchers, Watchmen assigned to earth to watch over Yahweh's Creation in the Garden of Eden and Earth . They were created by God as 'perfect Angels'. These Watchers rebelled against God and their assignment and a mutiny followed as they abandoned their mission to oversee humans and began to defile the women of the earth by having offspring with them. This led to a giant defect in the DNA of the offspring and an eventual almost complete contamination of the human DNA. By the time Yahweh destroyed the world with a flood because of this contamination, only one family on earth was left with pure human DNA. But even after the flood, the Watchers kept revolting and even more were punished and cast out of heaven losing their first estate and habitation, as they continued to defile women and human DNA (Genesis 6:4) This hybridization and corruption of the human DNA is still very much a part of our world although the giant defect has been corrected and most hybridization goes undetected. Why is the church silent on UFOs, Aliens, abductions, implantations, and forced breedings?

The Anunnaki were the offspring of AN or Anu - the original father of the gods - who had given birth to the Anunnaki in cataclysmic circumstances or so it is said in legends. But, it is more likely their origins stem from a disintegrated planet in the heavens; escaping their doom to reside in the subterranean levels of the earth. This is their great fall; after which the Anunnaki-gods became trapped along with Enki the chief god of the Apsu. Eventually Anu and Enlil were able to escape 'the underworld' and gain control of the surface regions of the earth where humanoid races already resided. The Anunnaki were more technologically advanced than the surface races it would seem and as a result, no doubt via technological trickery, were able to gain acceptance as gods ... and gain the upperhand.

Connection with their home world - Nibiru - was somehow re-established and in order to restore its damaged ecosystem the Anunnaki needed to mine gold from the subterranean regions of Earth and ship it back to their home world. It was at this point that the Homo Sapien race of mankind was genetically spawned to be slaves to the Anunnaki ... and mine the gold for them. It is doubtful that Homo Sapien was the only race of humanoids on the Earth at this time. So it is likely Homo Sapien was developed from genetic splicing between Anunnaki & native human DNA. The native human stock will have been a combination of 'alien' humanoid races at that time.

This took place because of a rebellion by the Anunnaki miners. The creation of Homo Sapien was no doubt in a test tube to basically create an updated human design engineered for the tasks required by the Anunnaki.

The Anunnaki have been around Mankind ever since.