Further Reading

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Are you not scared?

Doesn't all this descent into conspiracy theories about aliens & reptileans plus their 'apparent' possession of mankind not scare you?
No. Not one bit. It's been part of my life since I was a young child. There is no death or dying. Suffering ... illness ... torture ... pain ... are all experiences in this virtual world only. They do not exist outside of this realm.
What about the thought you've been abducted throughout your life and manipulated by invisible forces?
Nope. It's been happening for so long, you get used to it. The force is far more powerful than myself it is unlikely I can stop it. So I can only accept it.
You've been contacted by 'the dead' for many years also. How do you cope with that? Isn't it a little unsettling to have manifestations and visitations?
This doesn't scare me either. Again, it's always been the case with me. I just resent having been stereotyped as a 'medium'. This has been the main unsettling part of it all. Folk latching on to me, not for friendship, but for 'freebie' messages. The visitations ... they can be a pain at times. But again, its been my life ever since I was a toddler playing with 'imaginary friends'