Further Reading

Friday, 13 April 2007

A basic sailors guide to the self

Yechidah is "the spiritual essence of the self". The part which dwells constantly in the greater reality. It is the highest and most perfect level of the self and the opening of contact between it and the conscious self is the highest of all transformative experiences. The Higher Self?

Chiah is "the spiritual will". The root of all the action in the human microcosm.

Neshamah" means "soul." The root of the powers of perception and awareness in the human microcosm.

Ruach is 'the Conscious Self' comprising will, memory, imagination, intellect & emotion.

Nephesh is the etheric body. It comprises two parts; firstly 'the aura' which is an egg shaped shell of energies which extend several feet out from the material body; and, secondly 'the etheric double' which is a dense sheath which mirrors the material body exactly. It has limited but real awareness; is the organiser of the material body and governs the realm of instincts.

Guph is 'the material body'. Little more than a shell of matter which permits the higher-level bodies to exist and operate on the 'material plane' [Malkuth].