Further Reading

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Blacksburg: Mind Control?

In his dormitory, Harper Hall, he would brush by other residents, but never locked eyes or said "Hi."

"He wasn't normal," said Timothy Johnson, a freshman in Harper Hall. "
He had a funny way about him."

One of Cho's roommates, Joseph Aust, said it seemed Cho had no friends. His part of the room remained undecorated, and all he had were clothes, books and his laptop computer.

"I would come into the room and he'd just kind of be staring at his desk, just staring at nothing," Aust said. "I would pass it off like he was just weird."

One of Cho's roommates, Joseph Aust, said it seemed Cho had no friends. His part of the room remained undecorated, and all he had were clothes, books and his laptop computer.

"I would come into the room and he'd just kind of be staring at his desk, just staring at nothing," Aust said. "I would pass it off like he was just weird."

Extract Taken form:

The predictable 'spin' continues. The established story of 'The Weird Loner Amongst Us Who Turned Killer'. It is the 'tag' which the Elite's Media Wagon uses as a cover for another of their mind controlled robots programmed then woken up to carry out their mission. Their mission is an atrocity stepping stone to manufacture a 'problem' so the gullible and manipulated public will then cry out 'something must be done'; the reaction the shadowy Elite desire so they can then offer the 'solution'. In this instance Blacksburg was another stepping stone along the road to American citizens relinquishing their arms; so they are then defenceless when the culling of the population begins.