Further Reading

Monday 30 April 2007

CCTV, computers and the 'climate of fear'

Britain risks "committing slow social suicide" by allowing the Big Brother state to take over its citizens' lives, the leading privacy watchdog will warn tomorrow. Information Commissioner Richard Thomas will publish a report highlighting the "creeping encroachment" on civil liberties by the Government and official bodies. The report accuses ministers of creating a climate of fear through increasing use of CCTV cameras, the computer tracking of shopping habits and plans for ID cards.

Mr Thomas, who three years ago warned that Britain is "sleepwalking into a surveillance society", argues that his fears may have already been realised. He believes that excessive monitoring of personal information has not only damaged the rights of individuals but has also undermined society as a whole.

He will present the evidence to the Home Affairs Select Committee, which is conducting an inquiry into the issue. Mr Thomas will demand new powers from the Government to protect individuals' privacy.

The UK has 20 per cent of the world's CCTV cameras, with 4.2million watching our every move - one for every 14 people.

Gareth Crossman, of the civil rights organisation Liberty, said yesterday: "Our details are held and shared not because we are under suspicion now but because we might be one day. At this rate, future generations will neither enjoy nor understand the concept of privacy"